Training trio smut

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Kaito, Shuichi and Maki have been dating for years and live together. (They're aged up to 21)
Kinks: masochism, spanking, blindfolds, nicknames (ma'am, baby...)


"Kaito, Shuichi, just what do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, nothing, ma'am! We're not doing anything." Kaito said, a mix of surprised and scared.

You see, maki just got home from helping Keade with something at her place. She had specifically told her partners to behave while she was gone, but it seems the boys had other plans.

"Someone better tell me who's plan this was or you're both going to be in huge trouble." Maki lowered her voice, sitting on the bed between the two. She wasn't actually mad, and the other 2 knew that, they were just acting out their roles they set up.

Both Kaito and Shuichi looked at each other then back to maki. Neither said anything.

"Huh, not gonna rat each other out, I see. You know this calls for punishment."

The two more submissive both nodded as maki took to rubbing their thighs.

"Sit down, both of you, facing the foot of the bed."

As the boys got into position, Maki went over to their closet and took out a box of toys they liked to use. Kaito usually isn't this submissive in bed but, as they say, there's a first time for everything.

Maki grabbed the two ball gags out of the box, contemplated the scene and thought better of it, putting them back. She did, however take out a blindfold.

"You know I love you two right? More than anything." She paused, Kaito and Shuichi nodded. "I realize I should have asked this before, but, are you both still okay with this? We can stop if you aren't comfortable doing this." She asked.

"Maki, I can't speak for Kaito, but I would have done something if I didn't want this." Shuichi said.

"Same here, you really don't need to be this careful with us makiroll. Please, continue." Kaito said.

"I know, just checking." The assassin said, putting the blindfold around Kaito's eyes.

Maki regained her composure and dug through the box for something to start with. She saw a paddle that she had used on Shuichi before, so she knew he would like it.

She also took out a vibrator, turned it on, and put it under Kaito's penis. Immediately he started squirming and moaning. Maki decided he was stimulated enough at the moment and moved on to Shuichi.

She had moved the detective so he was on his hands and knees. She rubbed the paddle on Shuichi's ass, her other hand on his shoulder.

"You ready? I want you count how many times I spank you, you got that?" Shuichi nodded and prepared himself for the impact.

"AAAAh! Aaahhh, one." Shuichi said as maki spanked him. He could feel the residual pain from the hit and knew maki wasn't holding back.

She looked over at Kaito, briefly, to see him an absolute mess. His hair starting to fall apart, his voice had lowered in pitch a little bit as strained out curses and moans came out of his mouth. He was grinding against the vibrator with sweat covering seemingly covering his body. Not alot, just enough to make it really look like Kaito.

Shuichi whined, probably from the lack of pain. "Hey! Remember this is a punishment. If you're that needy, I might have to kick it up a notch. Isn't that right," She leaned right up against him, whispering in his ear, "Shuichi."

Shuichi moaned as Maki brought the paddle down again.

"Two" He moaned.

Maki delivered a big hit, "th-three" Shuichi drew out, tears in his eyes. "Mmn, four......five.......AAAH-six...." shuichi kept counting as Maki kept spanking him.

Maki set the paddle down, rubbing her boyfriend's ass with her hand. "Good boy, I knew you could take it." She spoke softly to Shuichi. "You're being such a good boy right now, baby, I almost feel bad continuing your punishment. Come 'ere." She called out to him, taking the vibrator and blindfold away from Kaito.

Shuichi whimpered, crawling in to his girlfriend's lap. Kaito moved right up next to them and leaning his head on Maki's arm.

"Atta boy, Kaito, you did well. How did you like it?" Maki asked, kissing Kaito.

"Mmm, I liked it alot. Would've been better if you were right next to me, but I get it. There's one of you, two of us, and it's supposed to be a punishment." Kaito said, looking down.

"Nonsense." Maki said, lifting Kaito's chin up to look her in the eyes. "You're right, this was a punishment, but I didn't gag you for a reason. You should've spoken up if it was bothering you this much." She kissed the tip of his nose. "Come on, are you up for a round 2?"

Kaito nodded enthusiastically, he could never get enough of his partners. "How about you, Shuichi? You still good for more?" Kaito asked.

"Mhm! Could I try being dominant this time, though?" Shuichi asked.

"Of course." Said Maki, "What did you have in mind?"

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