mukuro x sayaka

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Sayaka POV:

The date is July 7th. We have a concert tonight at 8:00 and everyone is super exited to start. Junko, who volunteered to manage our costumes, should be arriving any minute now. She's not that nice but rumors say she might be titled the ultimate fasionista at hopes peak next year.

                             -Sayaka Maizono

I finished writing today's events down in the journal I keep just as junko arrives backstage, but she has another person with her.

"Hey, girls, I'm here just as you said." Junko proclaimed as she headed towards me.

"Ah, Junko, wonderful! Who's that behind you?" Behind her was a girl, not much shorter than Junko. The girl had short black hair, she was really kinda pale, and had what looked like a tattoo of something on her hand.

"Oh, that's my sister. I hope you don't mind I brought her along, I thought she might need experience with others our age before high school this year." She said.

"Oh, no, I don't mind at all" I pointed my focus the the black-haired girl, "My name is Sayaka Maizono, if you didn't already know that, nice to meet you!"

She spoke "umm, I'm Mukuro Ikusaba, nice to meet you to."

So, Mukuro, that was her name. I can't lie, she's kinda cute.

"Right, so Sayaka, why did you need me here? Your costumes have been finished for a while." She asked.

"Oh! We wanted you to make sure everything looked perfect for the show tonight, and you have the only judgement we trust with that." I said.

"Alright, I'll go take a look. Don't do anything weird you two." Junko said as she walked off, leaving the two of us alone.

"So you're a singer, uh, Maizono, was it?" Mukuro said.

"Yeah, me and my group have been performing together for years now!" I told her.

"Your group?"

"Yeah, me and some friends put together a performing group some-odd years ago and it took off ever since."

"That sounds fun. It also explains what Junko's doing here." Mukuro said.

"She didn't tell you!?"

"No, she doesn't tell me much."

We stood there in an awkward silence for a while, before I broke it.

"So what do you do with your time, Mukuro?" I asked her.

"I'm part of a private military group. You don't need to know the details." She said, almost monotone.

"Really!? That's super cool! I thought the Japanese military had an age limit, like 21, right?" I asked

"It's 18, and I'm not in the Japanese military, we're more like mercenaries, if you will."

"Still cool! Do you guys have a ranking system? What's your ranking?"

"Uh, we do have a ranking system and you can't know my ranking, but it's high." She said. "Or anyone else's for that matter. It's classified."

"Oooooh, mysterious."

"Yeah." Mukuro said with a small smile.

"Are you watching our show tonight, Mukuro?"

"Yeah, I was planning on it. Looks like fun." Mukuro said.

"It also looks like you start in an hour so haul ass, would ya." Junko interjected from about 10 feet away. "Your costumes look great, by the way."

"Thank you Junko!"

"You're welcome Sayaka."

Junko grabbed Mukuro by the arm as the walked out of the room.

"Bye, Sayaka, it was nice talking to you!" Mukuro said as she turned back to me.

"Bye, Mukuro, it was nice talking with you too. See you later!"

And just as I said that the door closed and I was left on my own. I hope I can talk to her later.

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