kiibo and keade

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There are times that this random ship thing is the worst idea I've had, but this is cute.

Unknown artist


"Kaede. Your lab is open, have you seen it yet?" Kiibo asked as he saw Kaede in the main hall.

"I've seen where it is but I haven't gone inside yet. Would you like to check it out with me?" The pianist asked.


The two walked up the stairs to get to the ultimate pianist's lab and opened the door.

"OH, wow, a grand piano! I didn't expect there to be one here, of all places! How'd they even get it though the door?" Keade said enthusiastically.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps they assembled it inside the room itself."

"Maybe. Hey, kiibo, this might be a silly question, but, do you know how to play piano?"

"No, in fact, I don't." Kiibo answered.

"Would you like to?" Kaede asked.


"Great!" The pianist exclaimed as they sat down on the bench.

"So this key right here is middle C, notes get lower going to the left and higher going to the right." She explained. "Your left hand plays bass clef while your right plays treble clef."

"What's the difference between bass clef and treble clef?" Kiibo asked.

"The bass clef is lower with different notes than the treble clef which is higher." She answered.

The two spent the afternoon playing, or trying to play, piano. They were having fun, until of course, the realization dawned on them that this wouldn't last forever.

"Hey Kaede, there are a lot of CDs here. Do you know if any of them are blank?" Kiibo asked.

"I don't know, let's look." Kaede said.

They walked over to the back of the room where there was a CD player and, as luck would have it, a stack of blank CDs.

"These are blank, Kiibo. Why do you need them?" Kaede asked.

"Well," He started "I thought I would record you playing something, with your permission of course, and burn it onto a CD."

"Can you do that? I don't know how that works." Keade said.

"Yep, I've done it before. Would you like to do this?" The robot questioned.

"Absolutely, it's a great idea!"

Kaede sat down with Kiibo standing awkwardly behind the piano, and played her song. It was slow, melodic, and packed with so much emotion, it was truly befitting of the ultimate pianist. She stopped playing and it was silent for a few seconds before Kiibo stopped the recording.


Kaede smiled "yeah"

"The recording saved. What was the title of the song? So I can write it on the disc." Kiibo asked.

"It was Claire de lune, by debussy." Kaede replied.

"Thank you. I'll go burn the CD now, it was fun being with you." Kiibo said.

"Awwwww, thanks. See you later, Kiibo!"

--time skip, right after trial 1--
Shuichi POV:

It was quiet and dismal in the trial room. Rightfully so, we just lost two of our friends in the same night. I'm done, Kaede got executed, Kaito punched me in the face, kokichi's laughing at the situation. I'm done.

The rest of us file back into the elevator. When we reach the top, I go straight back to my room to mourn Kaede. I would go to her room or her lab, but that feels like an invasion of privacy.

About 20 minutes later, I was just about to call it a night, when I saw something get slipped under my door. I get up to look at what it is. I pick it up and apparently it's a CD (yes it's in a case) with a hand written title. Claire de Lune, Kaede Akamatsu.

"What?" I say with out thinking.

Kaede's dead. Was this from before, then. If so when was this recorded? I don't know where I would find a CD player here, so I go to the AV room, thinking I would find something there. And I did. There was the radio that only seemed to play discs, we've tried turning it on otherwise before.

I walk over to the radio and put the disc in. It starts to play and just like that, I start to spiral from there. As the music plays I can't help but hear Kaede, as if she's right next to me. I close my eyes, my mind slipping into the sound. I don't know who gave me this, but I'd have to thank them later.

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