warriors of hope

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These kids are minors. As such I am reminding you again that this is platonic. This may be just me being paranoid that people will take this thevwrong way, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Oh yeah, this is Nagisa centric.

Nagisa POV:

I awake to monaca somehow kicking in the door to my room. My head is pounding. she's yelling, something about me being late. I feel nauseous. I wish she would go away.

After waiting for monaca to stop with her little rant, we make our way down to where the others were waiting for us, or rather me, to start eating breakfast. I don't know why they waited, Masaru said it was an impromptu warriors meeting. That makes sense, Masaru is impulsive, I wouldn't put it past him to just proclaim a meeting with no scheduling or anything, but it's fine. We'll go along with the meeting.

"How much demons did you kill?"

"Kotoko, what do you mean Monaca can't touch your hair?"

"Why are we letting mister servant loider in the corner?"

"Do you all still hate me? You all still hate me. Right?"

So many questions, so little time. No matter how grammatical wrong, I listened to everyone and answered questions. It is my job as sage to do so.

"About 6." I was busy planning paradise.

"If Kotoko doesn't want you to touch her hair, please dont." We don't want a repeat of last time.

"I....actually don't know, why are we letting him loider here?" I hadn't noticed our servant standing near the table. I definitely should have.

"We don't hate you any less than usual, Jataro." I hated that he feels the need to ask us that.

Masaru and Kotoko noticed that I didn't see our servant there and looked worried. I told them not to overthink it, I was just focused on the meeting. A blatant lie, but we can't focus on me.

After our meeting ended, I exused myself to my room, saying that I had business to attend to. I think they believed me as I wasn't followed.

The second the door closes, I vomit into the nearest trash can. It got worse over the past hour. I probably shouldn't eaten anything, much less anything that friggin' demon made. I knew I shouldn't have went, but I'm the vice leader, if anything should happen I need to know about it.

I rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth so that nasty vomit taste isn't in my mouth all day. It's about then I decide to sleep more, couldn't hurt, right? I was ahead on paradise planning and was NOT in the mood for demon hunting. So I turned off the lights and (figuratively) prayed no one bother me.

I guess 'pray' was the wrong choice of metaphor, because none other than Jataro walked into my room. I know because I both saw and heard him. I sat up, sighed, and asked what he was doing. Apparently he really thought I was asleep, he was a bit startled

"O-Oh, Nagisa, I thought you were asleep."

"I'd like to be."

"Oh, well, we wanted to know if you were, alright because we say you acting weird at the meeting and thought that was weird." Well thanks captain obvious. 

"Jataro. Leave. Now."

And with that he left. I hope I wasn't to mean I don't want to be that guy.

3rd POV:

Jataro rejoined the group and gave them the information that he got. He basically told them that Nagisa was being rude and yelling at him. And he wasn't wrong, persay, but he kinda overdramatized it.

They elected on leaving him be, for the most part, and making their servant inform Nagisa about meals and when the others were out of the building.

The white haired man didn't seem to mind that much, and however annoying the demon may be, Nagisa found it comforting to know what was going on.

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