training trio smut part two

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Continuation of the smut chapter
Again art is not mine

Kinks: use of titles (sir, darling, baby girl, sweetheart), praise, slight bondage, latex gloves, voyeurism.

"I'm not too sure, thought I'd just do what felt right?" Shuichi said, almost as a question.

"Of course." Maki said "both, or just one of us?

"Just Maki, if you don't mind."

"Sure! Do you still want me to be here, or should I leave?" Kaito asked.

"Umm, whatever you want, I don't necessarily care one way or the other." He said.

"Cool. Maki, would you mind if I watched?"

"You can watch if you want, but come here first." She said.

Maki pulled Kaito's head toward her and kissed him, she pulled back, but Kaito went in again.

Shuichi had since gotten off of maki, good thing, too. This little make out session would have been hella awkward if he hadn't.

"Alright, if you're ready Maki, could you strip for me, please?" Shuichi said, slightly interrupting the other two.

"Alright, do you mean fully strip or do you want me to keep my bra and underwear on?" Maki asked, trying to see how this will go before they start back again.

"Fully strip, please and thank you." Shuichi replied.

"So polite, how could I not." Maki said, tucking a piece of Shuichi's hair behind his ear.

Shuichi took this opportunity to push Maki, who had finished taking her clothes off, on to the bed face up and got on top of her, straddling her waist. "hey now, I'm supposed to be in charge. Right, baby girl?"

"Right. Would you like me to use any honorifics? If so which ones." She asked, putting her hands at the base of Shuichi's hips.

"Why, thank you for asking, it seems someone's growing submissive in a hurry." He chuckled to him self before continuing "I would prefer you just use my name, but if you're dead set on using a title, you could use 'sir'. I think that would do nicely."

"Yes sir." Maki responded, testing out the new title.

"Good girl." He kissed her fore head before asking "Now, baby girl, are you comfortable with me tying your hands down for this?" Shuichi may be playing dominant, but he still didn't want to break any of Maki's boundaries.

Maki nodded. "I'm sorry, baby, but I'm gonna need verbal confirmation." Shuichi said.

"Yes, Shuichi, you can tie my hands down for the time being." Maki confirmed.

"Thank you, darling." Shuichi said and kissed maki's head. He then turned his attention over to Kaito, who was still here. "Kaito, could you please go get us some rope? We're tying Maki's wrists to the headboard."

"Sure thing, Shuichi! I'll be right back." Kaito said as he left to their basement where they kept the rope the treated, especially for this purpose.

In the mean time, Shuichi dis-mounted from Maki's waist and went to kneel in between her legs. He got their bottle of lube, and a pair of latex gloves on his way. Shuichi puts the black, leather gloves on his hands before touching her at all. The detective put some lube on his fingers and started to stroke at Maki's pussy.

"HMmmmm, Shuichi." The assassin moaned out, gripping the sheets.

"Does this feel good, baby?" Shuichi asked, although he thinks he already knows the answer. He pokes a finger into Maki's vagina and starts moving it in and out, slowly, as not to hurt the girl.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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