drv3 despair disease

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So this is set in chapter 2 of the drv3 killing game and will go off the rails. It's showtime. Also just an FYI, this is a long one. You have been warned.

3rd POV

It was a Tuesday morning in the academy for gifted juveniles, sun was shining, no one died, all was fine.

Or so they thought...

The ultimates didn't actually know if it was Tuesday, they thought it was, and were long since doubting the weather. As for monokuma, he had a specific motive awaiting 3 of these kids.

--kirumi POV--

God, I feel like shit, this isn't going to be a good thing no matter what it was.

I guess I should start making breakfast, might as well, nothing else to do in this hellhole- woah, that's a lot of swearing what's going on here? I don't know.

--time skip, they are eating breakfast--

Why can't they just be quiet for once? What's wrong with ouma? Let's see.

I got up from the table and made my way across the room where kokichi was sitting alone.

"Kokichi, are you alright? You look feverish." I said as I put my hand up to his forehead. No one was looking at us, though I wouldn't care if they were.

"Good morning to you as well kirumi, and no, I feel like a heap of flaming garbage right now." He said, he's probably lying, but maybe not, he looked warm. "And before you ask I'm not lying."

"You shouldn't be here if you don't feel well, you could get everyone else sick too." I walked away. I couldn't care less about kokichi and I had better things to be doing.

Currently, Shuichi had suspected kiyo of acting weird. Not hard to figure out as he was currently sitting by himself and crying because of tenko calling him a "degenerate male" which, of course, is run-of-the-mill around here.

Suddenly, the monokubs popped up of of nowhere, as they do, and announced the new motive.

The Despair Disease

"That's right kiddos," monotaro said, "this Despair disease is awful, downright terrible, and chok full of despair!"

The kubs went on explaining the so called "Despair disease". I figured it was monokumas desprate attempt of getting us to kill each other and that it wouldn't work.

"Incase you were wondering, this was my idea! And I was right it is very entertaining." Monoske went on.

My God, we were furious. I was about to lunge onto one of these damn bears and, well, they may not like what would happen next. But someone stopped me. Nothing crazy they just grabbed my wrist, but holy fuck were they gonna get it. I whipped my head around and pulled my hand back to see maki standing behind me.

"Stop. It would be a bad idea." She said. 'It would be a bad idea yeah right.

Most of the kubs left, monophanie stayed back. Perhaps just her then.

"I apologize for this, I told them we shouldn't use the despair disease but they didn't listen!" Said monophanie.

"Sounds to me, you're just making excuses." I said. I was tired of being quiet and I was about to explode on this bitch. People looked at me like I was crazy. I'm not. I'm not crazy.

Saihara looked concerned, more than the others. "Ignoring that" He said "does this mean you have influence on what goes on here?" He asked the monokub.

"Ummmm, no comment." And with that she disappeared.

Or maybe not because right then she appeared on the announcement screen. "I was supposed tell you guys earlier, but I got distracted. This disease has already infected 3 people and is highly contagious." The screen went black.

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