platonic Kotoko\Masaru

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Post tragedy, where the warriors of hope (excluding monaca) are adopted by toko and Komaru. Komaru works at a high school and teaches an etiquette class. The warriors conveniently have the class during the same period. They are sophomores btw.

Masaru POV:

"Alright, class! Tomorrow we are ballroom dancing. I'm telling you now so you can pick partners, dress up if you want, and prepare for it. I'll bring latex gloves if you don't want to directly touch anyone." Komaru said, dismissing her class.

"Miss. Naegi, can I be partners with Melissa?" One of the students asked.

"Of course. Anyone can be partners with anyone."

Sigh, at least we get to choose partners. I would ask Nagisa but he looks to be preoccupied with one of the seniors- oh look at that, they're partners now. Jataro is partnering with one of his friends he met in art class. I'll ask Kotoko, yeah, she probably won't want to dance with many other people.

"Hey Masaru." Kotoko. Looks like she had the same thought.

"Hey," I said back "would you like to be partners?"

"No fair, I was going to ask you first."

"Sorry, Sorry, I guess I'm just one step ahead." I said with little jazz hands.

"You don't need to apologize you know."

"So we're dancing tomorrow, huh?"

"Yeah, Komaru just said that. Dont know 'bout you but ima take advantage of those gloves."

"Yeah, same"

--about 24 hours later--

"Gloves are up at the front if you want to use them." Komaru said. About half of the students went up to get a pair of gloves.

"Alright, everyone has partners, let's go down to the gym."

"You look nervous" I told Kotoko.

"No shit Sherlock, last time I did this was when I was 7. On. Stage."

"Fuck, I didn't know. Sorry for bringing it up." I said. Kotoko, understandably, never talked about the plays she was in.

"I didn't expect you to, I never told you three, or I guess four, about specifics."


--3rd POV--

And so, miss. Komaru Naegi and her class spent the next hour dancing, or at least trying to. And as for our ex- warriors of hope, Nagisa was suspiciously good at this for never having done this before. Jataro is just as uncoordinated as he was years ago while they were "Demon hunting". Kotoko was a little rusty and Masaru learned from kotoko mostly.


Yeah I got distracted so take this.

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