ibuki and fuyuhiko

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Art by: Naokiiii on deviant art

3rd person POV:

It was the night after the 2nd trial and everyone felt awful. They found out that Fuyuhiko and the late Peko were together in the yakuza, they were childhood friends, or depending on who you ask, a little more. No one expected Fuyuhiko to take this well, and he isn't, a few days later, he is standing on the shore of Chandler Beach in the middle of the night.

Fuyuhiko POV:

This is it, the scene of the crime.

I should've seen this coming, she was always too serious about this "bodyguard" thing.

Why did she think like that?

I guess I'll never know for sure.

"Staying here won't make anything better, you know." A voice called out. I couldn't quite make out who it was.

"I know."

The person got closer "if you're reminiscing about Peko, the place where she killed someone may not be the best place to do it." They said "also, it's Ibuki, if you couldn't tell."

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"I want to know why you're here of all places, I got a hunch it's not just about peko."

"Isn't it obvious?"

"It is, but I would like to know why you're upset about Mahiru as well. Before the trial you two would argue all the time, so why did her death impact you so much?" She asked

"And why should I tell you that?"

"Because if it has something to do with that "twilight syndrome murder case" I might have something to do with it."

3rd POV:

Fuyuhiko sighed, "It's not you, I'm thinking about my sister."

"What does your sister have to do with this?"

"Alot, really, she and Mahiru were supposedly friends but she helped hide evidence of her murder. And, as you saw, Peko killed Mahiru as revenge for my sisters murder, which neither of them were directly involved in." He explained "It feels like something isn't lining up. It's probably that Natsumi lied about her and Mahiru, she made stuff up alot."

"From your perspective, I guess it wouldn't make sense." Ibuki said, looking out into the ocean. "And your sister's name is Natsumi?"

Fuyuhiko looked over at Ibuki, panicked. "Who told you that!?"

"You did, just now." She said.



"While we're talking. Why exactly are you here." Fuyuhiko asked her.

"Well, you weren't at your cottage and I wanted to talk to you."

"What would you want to talk to me about?"

"Peko, mostly." She said

"What about her?"

"We spent some time together here, was she like this before hopes peak?"

"No, not at all. I'm surprised she liked being around you, she never really talked to anyone besides me and sometimes Natsumi."

"Huh, I figured. She didn't look like the type to start up conversation often." Ibuki nodded.

Fuyuhiko chuckled, "it's funny, we've known each other our entire lives and the last time I've seen her try to talk to people was when we were 6 or 7. She's not one for conversation."

Ibuki laughed, "She didn't seem like it."


I don't know how to finish this.

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