Kirumi and Ryoma

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This is kinda how I wish chapter 2 went.

3rd POV:

Ryoma and kirumi were currently talking in his research lab about their motives.

"That's a lot, kinda surprised you haven't killed anyone yet." Ryoma said, "but me, I've got nothing."

"Sure you do." Kirumi said

"No, you don't understand, my video is literally empty."

"Seriously?" She asked

"Yeah, I don't gotta reason to live anymore. I was kinda hoping the video would help with that, but no." He said with a sigh. "You can do it if you want. Kill me I mean."

"What, I wasn't going- how did you-"

"Intuition. That and your eyes, coated with blood lust."

"Really? I wasn't going to kill you. You know." She clarified.

"I assumed as much, but please, it's a win-win situation. We both gain from this."

"How exactly would we benefit from this?"

"Alright," He started, "here's my plan. You kill me, however you like. I'm dead, that's a good thing, you win your trial and get out." He explained, "You in?"

"I mean, sure I would like to get out, but  are you positive you want to do this? This is literally life and death on the line." She sounded surprised, rightfully so.

"Kirumi, I'm sure. I've been thinking about this for a while. So if you want to do this, go ahead. There are various implements of violence in that room over there." He pointed to a room going off of the main room, never a good thing to have.

"Alright. Your plan sounds fantastic, thank you."

"No problem, I'm going to pick up these tennis balls now, good luck." He said with a smile.

With that, Kirumi went over to the off room and grabbed a wooden pole-staff-thing.

"I'm sorry." She drew the weapon above her head and knocked the tennis pro unconscious.

Kirumi POV:


Oh God.

What the fuck did I just do?


We can fix this...

If he's still alive maybe I shouldn't go through with this.

She hesitantly stepped over to his body and checked for a pulse. It was weak, as if he were bleeding out, which he was, but there WAS a pulse.

I stood there, determining my next move. Do I help him so he hopefully doesn't die? Or do I kill him fully?

I decided on the former and carried the shorter to his room, praying no one saw us. Once Ryoma was settled I figured it was best to clean up the blood on the floor while waiting for him to re-gain consisness, despite everything, though, blood on the floor is still a bio-hazard.

Clearing the floor of blood didn't take as long as I thought, so I brought up a chair to wait for Ryoma, sure as hell not leaving him alone.

*time skip, about 3hr*
Ryoma POV:

GOD, my head hurts.

That was my only thought at the moment not sure why. I sat up and saw none other than Kirumi Tojo sitting next to my bed looking both relived and terrified at the same time.

"Weren't you gonna kill me?" I asked, I hope I didn't sound rude.

"Yeah, I panicked and kinda...bailed, on your plan. I apologize."

"No, don't apologize, If you couldn't handle it, that's alright. You fought for your cause with your life, a little extreme if you ask me, but a valient effort." I told her

"Extreme- this was your idea."

"I know, I was kidding about that. But seriously, you have more guts than the others I asked to carry out this plan, I respect that" I hope this would stop her from further freaking out about this.

"You asked others about this?" She asked "Who, if you don't mind me asking."

"Shuichi, Gonta, and Tenko." I said. "I really thought she was gonna do it."

"Perhaps she didn't want to risk execution?"

"That or she didn't have a death wish."

She laughed, although it came out as more of a sigh. The silence was awkward as fuck, I guess neither of us had anything else to say.

"Just so you're aware, I don't blame you for this." I thought she would be worried about that, maybe that would help her.

"You don't?"

"No." I said. "And for the record, we can keep this between us if that would be beneficial to you."

"I couldn't ask that of you." She said, looking at the floor.

"Nonsense, you shouldn't loose everyone's trust over a plan that wasn't yours. You've still got a ways to go." I told her.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"I won't"

"Neither will I then."

Some time passed as we were just sitting there In the comfortable silence.

"Hey, Kirumi, do you know what time it is?" I asked, I assume I had been out for a while.

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't." She said.

Im guessing about a minute goes by.

"Rise and shine Ursine!"

"Speak of the devil" we both said in unison.

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