byakuya x ibuki

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Now that's a lot of damage

Togami POV:

Why am I here?

I am the heir to the esteemed Togami corporation.

I can't belive THIS is how I'm spending my time.

I have more productive things to be doing.

I must have been deep in thought because just as I was about to walk out of the venue, the one, the only, Ibuki Mioda, grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, you good? EARTH TO BYAKUYA!" She insists on yelling at every given point. It is quite annoying.

"Why the hell are you yelling right now? We are the only ones here and I am right in front of you." I said. Now, I realize she had no reason to not be yelling, this is Ibuki after all.

"You looked pretty dazed- and pale- are you alright?" I almost ask her why she asked but then came to my senses enough to realize that I was blushing like a mad man.

I assured her that I was fine. Mainly to get her to stop fussing over me like I was five. She let go of me and offered for me to go backstage with her. I agreed and took a few wobbly steps forward and blacked out, last thing I heard was Mioda screaming, clearly startled.

*time skip brought to you by a concerned and over protective musician*

Ibuki POV:

Byakuya's footsteps sounded off so I turn around to check on him just to see him faint, or pass out, or something. WHATEVER, he's on the floor now, and I'm going to have a very hard time explaining this to his family.

I was practicing for my concert later this week, that's why we were in this theater, so I carry Byakuya to my dressing room because I know he wouldn't want people to see him like this. Carrying him was tricky because of his abnormally long legs but I managed.

About half an hour later he comes to. I explain to him what happened and he thanked me for moving him here. After that's all situated, and I gathered my things,we decided to calling a day. After about 10 minutes of back and forth, he called a chauffeur to drive him back to the Togami estate, while I loaded my stuff into my car and drove home after I saw him drive off safely.


This was a fun ship to write about. I might re-visit it if I run out of motivation.

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