Chapter 57

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A/N: My cat is literally sitting on the notebook that I have all my writing in and he knows exactly what he's doing.

A/N: My cat is literally sitting on the notebook that I have all my writing in and he knows exactly what he's doing

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I woke up after having a five minute nap.

"I'm gonna bother Clay"

I stood up and started walking towards my door but then I saw myself in the mirror. My hair was messed up, my makeup was smudged and I was still in my pajamas.


I went into my suitcase and grabbed an outfit that I had put together before we left.

I went into my suitcase and grabbed an outfit that I had put together before we left

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Good enough. I thought. The next thing I had to do was hair. I grabbed my hairbrush and started brushing. After about five minutes of struggle, it was finally done. I put it in a quick ponytail and it looked fine. I wiped and re-did my makeup and smiled.


I walked out of my room and went towards Mark and Clay's room. I walked in front of my door but I heard my name so I decided to listen in on them.

"Well?" I heard Clay ask

"I-I don't know. I think so, but I'm not entirely sure"

What are they even taking about? I asked myself

"I think that you do know the answer but you're to scared to admit it. I'm going to ask one more time. Do. You. Like. Claire?"

I opened the door and saw them both standing in the middle of the room.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" I asked

"How long have you been standing there?" Mark asked me in a worried voice.

"I just heard my name and walked in" I lied. Obviously I couldn't tell them what I actually heard.

Clay gave mark a worried look

"Soooooooo, good talk dude," Clay patted Mark on the back and walked out of the room.

I back out of the room and into mine. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to take a walk

"Hey where are you going?" Tubbo asked as I put on my shoes. My shoes were black combat boots that had a small heal.

"I'm just going for a walk around the area" I said

"But you don't know the area and it's getting late. What if we all went on a nice late night walk around town together?" He offered in his usual perky voice.

"Uhhh, sure?"

Just great

A/N: in every single one of these next few authors note, you will just see me complaining about all the school work and stress that I need to take care of so get ready😁

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