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I walked into school the next day while getting some dirty looks from Lin's friend group. Clay had gotten a call from the school yesterday asking about what happened. He explained unit left the part out about how I elbowed Lin in the face.

I lowered my head and went to the bathroom before classes started. I got in front of the mirror and started to adjust my outfit.

I was wearing tight black pants along with black shoes. I had a light gray long sleeve shirt with a cute necklace.

Mark had called In sick today but in reality, he was just going to be streaming with Tubbo all day

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Mark had called In sick today but in reality, he was just going to be streaming with Tubbo all day. I heard the bathroom door open and a crowd of girls rushed in. I quickly walked into a stall and locked the door.

It's not like I was going to listen in or anything. I was just using the bathroom and hoping I can overhear.

"Hey Jen, do you know when Britney is coming back from England?" One of the girls asked

"No but there is one good thing about having her gone." I suppose Jen said

"And what's that?" Another girl asked

"Now, I get Mark all to myself" I could hear the grin on her face.

"But what about than Claire girl? They're practically inseparable."

"Oh trust me, I have a few ideas."

Ideas? I thought.

One of them started to say something but someone's phone rang. I rung for one second when I realized it my my phone! I declined and she bathroom went silent.

"What do you think your doing in here?!" Jen shrieked

"Oh I don't know, there could be a possible chance that I'm using the bathroom. " I said sarcastically.

"Wait isn't that-"

"Shut up"

I heard heels clacking and the sound of the door opening and closing. I checked my phone and saw a missed call from Tubbo.

"That's weird," I mumbled

The bell rang and I walked out of the bathroom and towards my first class. Melody and I both had our second and third classes together so we were going to see each other then.

I walked into homeroom and didn't see the teacher. I sat next to someone named Alexis who I had met a few days ago due to bumping into one another.

"Where's the teacher?" I asked them.

They looked at me a little startled. Alexis always wore colored contacts because they supposedly didn't like their natural eye color. Today they had emerald green contacts which were similar to my eye color.

"Our teacher got into a small car accident so we have free period until they can find a sub."they explained.

Alexis was non-binary so they preferred the pronouns they/them. Sometimes I slipped up and used she/her but they don't care unless it was on purpose.

"Would you mind saving my seat? I have to run to the bathroom really quickly." I said

"Yeah no problem" they smiled and a walked at a quick pace towards the bathroom.

I pulled out my phone and called Tubbo. He picked up after about two rings.

"Hey Tubbo, why did you call me?"

"Hi Claire, sorry to call you so suddenly but I have and idea"

"Hit me"

"Ok, so I was wondering if you, Clay, and Ran- I mean mark all wanted to come to... England! You would be able to stay with me and my family. I already asked ranboo and Dream if they wanted to come and Dream said that you guys would love to but to just check to see if you were ok with this."

"I'd love too!"

"Yay! I'll tell everyone the good news"

"Need to go now, I'm currently in a bathroom stall calling you right now"

"Alright bye Claire"

"Bye tubs"

I hung up the phone and walked back to class with a smile.

A/N: I guess the gang is going to England. 🙂

Pinky promise  Ranboo x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now