Chapter 21

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Two months. It had been two month since everyone left. Things have sort of gone back to normal. We still talked. Clay still streamed with everyone. But I still missed them.

Today was the beginning of junior year in my school. Clay was nonstop telling me about his junior year for the past week which has gotten annoying. I started off my day like most others. Woke up brushed my teeth brushed my hair and got dressed. I decided on a cute outfit that I had never worn before,

I walked downstairs and grabbed a waffle from the toaster

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I walked downstairs and grabbed a waffle from the toaster.

"You exited for your first day of school?"Clay asked

"Kind of" I responded "not really ecstatic about the homework"

"It's going to be fine just pay attention in class" he said. I nodded. "How are you planning to get there?"

"I'll just take the sports bike" I said washing my hands

"Ok, just be careful and wear the helmet" he said

"Will do bro"

I walked out of the door and slung my backpack over my shoulders. I had all the necessary books in there along with supplies. I waved goodbye to Clay and put my helmet on. I started the engine and drove off.

It took about ten minutes to get to school so I had about thirty minutes until classes started. I parked my bike and got off of it. I got into a new high school so I had never been her before. I pulled out a map and walked around I got to my locker and put in the code. I put everything I didn't need into the locker and kept only the English text book and a notebook. I started going towards the classroom when I got lost in the halls.

"Hi, are you ok? You look lost" I heard a voice behind me say

I turned around and saw a girl with brown hair and blue streaks. She was a bit taller than me and had a perfect body. She had pale skin and a slight tan

"Yeah I'm just trying to find classroom 309. I said

"Oh I can show you the way. Classes don't start anytime soon so I have time"

"Thank you so much you're a life saver" said following her

"I'm Melody by the way. I'm a senior. Are you new to this school?" She asked

"I'm Claire.  A junior and yeah I just switched schools." I said

"Oh your a junior, well I can be your mentor"

"I'd like that, thank you" I said

"And here we are. I'll stop by this class when I'm done with mine so I can help you to your next one" she said walking away

"Thanks again"

I had ten minutes left until class started. The bathroom was right across from the class. I walked in the bathroom and started to touch up my makeup. Then I saw that I got a text from Mark.

Hey I hear it was ur first day of school

Yeah it is

Well I just wanted to wish you good luck

Thanks I'll need it

Welp have a good day Claire

Thanks u too :)

I turned my phone off and put it in my bag. I heard a bit of commotion outside the bathroom door so I walked out. People were entering the class so I did to. Once everyone was sat down a middle aged woman who I supposed was our teacher walked in.

"Alright class settle down.  I hope you all had an amazing summer break. We have one new student joining us today" she said looking at me "Claire, would you please some up here and introduce yourself?"

I walked up to the front of the class with all eyes on me.

"Please say your name you age your favorite color and your goal in life" she said

"Hi my name is Claire Garcia, I'm seventeen years old, my favorite color is blue and I don't have a goal in life" I said. I walked back to my seat.

Class started and I grabbed my text book and notebook along with a pencil.

"Alright class, please turn to page 256 of your English next books. Then open a clean page in your notebook and put your name and the date" the teacher said

That's when I got a tap on the shoulder

"Hey can I borrow a pencil" a guy said from behind me

"Sure"I said handing him a pencil and turning back around

A/N: Didn't have an idea for this chapter but here it is folks

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