Chapter 17

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I had my hands on the wheel tapping my fingers to Wilburs song your new boyfriend. The boys were in the back of the car screaming the lyrics. I saw that Claire looked a little nervous so I asked her what was wrong.

"What's wrong you look a little shaken up" I said leaning closer to her

"Y-you didn't tell me he was going to be here!" She whisper yelled to me. I knew she was talking about Mark who was in the back with the rest of the boys. I decided I should tease her a little.

"Oh, you mean the guy you've been crushing on ever since he got here?" I asked

"I-I don't know what your talking about" she said crossing her arms and pouting

"You mean the guy with the beautiful brown hair and the attractive looks that is sitting in the back seat?" I whispered

"You mean Tubbo?" She asked smirking at me. She stared at me for a few seconds but then started laughing hysterically. The boys just gave her weird looks which made me start laughing too.

"I think the girls are going crazy" I heard Tommy whisper in the back

"Yeah no kidding" Tubbo said "What are you laughing at Claire?"

"Nothing I just thought of something funny" she replied

"Was your thought so funny that even Niki knew what you were laughing at?" Wilbur asked

"Busted" I heard Mark say in the back

"Yes, I can read her mind. Once she becomes your best friend you might be able to do the same but I doubt that will ever happen" I said being all sassy

"Yes girl speak your mind!" Claire said hyping me up

"Oh, we're her" I said parking "let's go"


We walked into the movie theater and looked around. Niki was typing something on her phone but I didn't think anything of it. Wilbur Tommy and Tubbo were looking at the different movies when Niki walked up to them and whispered something in their ear. They all came sprinting towards where Mark and I were sitting.

"Hey, we need to go. We have a- um..." Wilbur started

"Stream! A stream we need to get to" tubbo shouted

"Yes what he said"

"So you can't watch the movie?" I asked

"Yeah sorry we need to get back to stream. Bye guys!" Niki said waving goodbye

"They did this on purpose didn't they?" I heard Mark ask behind me. I turned red realizing that I was alone with him. "I have a question, are you avoiding me because of the ki-" he said before I cut him off

"Listen, that was a mistake, just forget about it" I said. We bought some chocolate and popcorn before heading towards our movie. We sat down and started to watch.


We walked out of the building really quickly before they could find out what we were doing.

"I can't believe that worked!" Tubbo said excitedly

"Yeah it went so smoothly too" I added

"I just saw them go in so now we can watch our movie" Niki said peeking through the window. " let's go"

We walked back into the building and went to get snacks.


It was a mistake. Her words kept replying in my head. When she said those words it felt like my heard was about to shatter in a million pieces. Claire was sitting down when she quickly got up and walked out. I followed after her and left. She was sitting on the ground with her eyes closed.

"What happened Claire?" I asked walking towards her

"I-I just saw two people I used to know" she said

"That still doesn't explain why you walked out" I said confused.

"Those two people were my ex best friend and my ex boyfriend who hooked up" she said. She explained the what happened this morning.

"Are you stalking me?" We heard a voice say from behind us. I turned around to see a girl with black hair and blue streaks. She had tan skin and green eyes. Next to her there was a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes. He was around six feet tall.

"Just because we ended up at the same place doesn't mean I'm stalking you bitch" Claire said standing up and glaring at the girl

"Your just jealous that I'm prettier than you and that I'm with you ex. By the way, is this the guy you ditched me for?" She asked

"I didn't ditch you it's just that your insecure self couldn't handle the thought of me having new friends!" She spat

"Whatever, let's go Henry I don't want to talk to these losers anymore"

"Alright, let's go to a nice restaurant after this, my treat babe" the guy said as they walked away

"Why do things like this always happen when it's only the two of us" I asked

"I don't know so maybe you should just stay away from me then" she said walking out and getting into her car. I sat in the back seat and was quiet the entire way back.

A/N: I added a dash of drama to this chapter so I hoped you enjoyed. We are so close to 200 views so thank you!

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