Chapter 18

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"You just need to chill out dude" Nick said sitting on my bed next to George.

"But how, there is something wrong. She has never been this depressed before. Sure it's been a little from time to time but never this much." I said burying my face in my hands

"Niki told me about something that happened with her best friend, do think it has to do with that?" George asked

"I don't think that's all of it, it might be playing a major part in it though," I said. "She hasn't been one to show it much but it has definitely been showing. Ever since our parents died she hasn't been able to make that many friends. Maxine was the first one she ever made, and losing her must have sucked"

"It's sad though, the only time she came out of her room was to eat food but she hasn't been eating a lot either" Nick added

"What am I supposed to do? Should I talk to her or something?" I asked

"Yeah go do it now" George said pushing me out the door "Tell is how it goes"he said closing the door.

I walked over to Claire's room and heard her singing. I never noticed how good she was at it. She was singing a really sad song that made we want to cry. I took out my phone and recorded a video of her singing. I decided to post it on the group chat that Claire wasn't in.

Big men + Niki

Have any of you heard Claire singing?

Niki: I haven't

Tom: no

Mark: nope

Tubbo: nu

Wilbur: no

Well I have a video
[insert video of Claire singing]

Niki: wow

Wilbur: why is the song so sad

Tubbo: so we aren't going to talk about how wilbur sent that?

Niki: she is a really good singer but did you take that video without her knowing?


I put my phone away and walked into her room. She was sitting on her bed with her phone in her hands.

"Did you eat today?" I asked

"No, I'll do it later," she mumbled.

I walked out of the room and into the living room to find Niki.

"UNO!!" Someone yelled from the living room "UNO OUT!!!!" The same person yelled

"Shut the fuck up bitch!!!" Tommy yelled followed by a loud noise

"What's going on in here?!?" I said walking into the room

"We're playing a game of uno" Mark smiled "Which Tubbo just won"

"Cool. I need you guy's help." I said

"What for?" Niki asked

"Claire hasn't been eating a lot a I'm going to make something so good she won't be able to stop eating it" I said

"What did you have in mind?" Wilbur asker

"I was thinking maybe a little bit of everything" I said

"Do we need to go to the store?" He asked

"Yes but let me go get George and Nick so they can help"

I walked into my room and told them the plan.

"Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Mark, and I are going to go to the store to get ingredients to make nice dinner. I need you too to keep Claire in her room while we cook, got it?" I asked

"Yep"George said

"Yes sir" Nick responded

I walked out of the room and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and left as the others followed.


We walked into the store and went to go find the things we needed. First we walked over to the meat section and bought some beef. Then we went over towards the spice section to get spices such as thyme and basil. I told Tommy and Tubbo to go grab olive oil but they came back with both the oil and soda. We walked around and grabbed a few unnecessary things like ice cream and candy. We walked over to the cashier and bought everything.

When we got home we ordered Nick and George to distract Claire as we brought everything in and started cooking.

A/N: Im going to skip the cooking scene next chapter because I don't know how to cook much less write a cooking scene.

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