S05 E07: Lesbian "Weed" Thank You Cookies

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"So I need all of you to go to the lounge and wait for us there."

Still, with her jaw basically on the floor, Michelle slowly stood up and started wobbling with the rest of the Attendings to the lounge, away from the public's staring eyes.

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After ending practice early, Christen grabbed her keys and started walking to the parking lot. She stayed in her car for a while, reaching over to her purse to retrieve her phone so she could call Mer.

"How is everyone there?"

"The twins didn't eat any of the lesbian thank you cookies so they're at the nursery with my kids and safe."

Christen let out a breath of relief, before taking a deep breath.

"And Mitch?"

"She's super high, everyone is. It's started to kind of take effect, which means the first bite she took of those cookies was about maybe 2 hours ago. We don't know how many she had eaten ever since."

"Oh god, okay just call me if anything bad happens."

"You know I will Chris, be safe."

"You too."

Once the phone call ended, Christen closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she started the car and started the 30-minute drive from the stadium to their home.

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Michelle, Lexie, Arizona, Jackson, Miranda, Amelia, Alex, Catherine, and Andrew were waiting in the lounge. Michelle sat on the couch beside Jackson, fiddling with the string of her jumpsuit as her mind went super fast, thinking of all of the possible things that could happen to them because of rat poison.

"Lexie, would you please sit down, you're making me panic."

Mitch looked up at the sound of Catherine's voice. She looked up at Lexie and gave her a questioning look. Lexie froze in front of Michelle and slowly started making her way to the couch. She looked down at it before slowly sitting down reluctantly, but then freezing halfway,

"Lexie is malfunctioning!"

Lexie looked at Mitch and started panicking.

"I forgot how to sit down, I don't know what to do next."

And because of the panicky state that her best friend was in, Michelle started panicking as well.

"Okay uh, try moving your legs upwards."

Lexie did what Michelle told her to do, only to cause her to stand up. The Neurosurgeon looked at the general surgeon in complete shock.

"Mitch, it did the opposite of sit. I'm standing up!"

Michelle started panicking more so she stood up and started looking through the drawers.

"There might be instructions on how to sit down right?"

Everyone watched the 2 surgeons in complete confusion. Lexie was crying because she was scared, while Michelle was determined to help her friend sit down. After browsing through the shelves and finding nothing, she faced Lexie with a newfound determination on her face.

"Okay, we're surgeons. We are smart, we will figure this out together okay Lexie?"

Walking over to hold her best friend's hand, she gave her an encouraging nod. Lexie straightened up, wiped her cheeks, and nodded her head.

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