Chapter 14.1--Natasha

Start from the beginning

Mandy wrinkled her nose. "You know? What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "It's a gift. When Steve and I started dating, we obviously both already lived here so it was a little less complicated. What made it complicated was going between our two rooms. Even if it was just to sleep together and know, sleep together."

"So you got used to the whole 'wearing his t-shirt' thing? Because I feel like it screams 'I slept with someone at the compound last night'. And yet, here I am."

I laughed. "Steve's clothes are surprisingly comfortable. Moreso than actual pajamas. So I don't blame you there."

"I'm just glad that Emery didn't freak out, you know? I was worried even after our talk last night."

"She just needed some encouragement," Wanda piped up. "And it's partially my fault. I was too hard on her about Bucky. He's a good friend. And I trust her."

"I'm glad," Mandy said, smiling. "And I hope we can be friends, too."

Wanda smiled. "I'd like that."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ok, how about this one?" Emery asked. The excitement she'd had when we got to the dress shop a mere 4 hours ago had waned significantly. Was it my fault I'd never thought much about picking out a wedding dress?

I scrunched my face in the mirror as I examined my appearance in the mirror. "Eh, not sure it's really my style."

Emery groaned. "Natasha, we've been here for 4 hours!"

I smirked. "What, you have a hot date or something?"

"Actually, we do. Tonight," Wanda replied as Emery opened her mouth to answer.

I laughed. "Good one. Look, I'm sorry. This isn't really my thing, you know? I never expected...Anyway, this just might take a little longer than we thought."

"It's ok." Emery helped me down from the dressing step. "We still have the cake tasting in an hour, though."

I nodded. "That's still fine. I need a break from the dresses, honestly." I went back into one of the dressing rooms to change back into my regular clothes. "Much better."

We headed out to a quick lunch at a cafe around the corner from the dress shop, ordering grilled cheese sandwiches and fruity mimosas.

"So, what are we thinking about for the venue?" Emery asked, not even skipping a beat.

I gulped down half my mimosa and signaled the waitress for another one. "I haven't really thought about it too much yet."

"It should be someplace special. Something that has meaning to both of you," Emery said.

I smiled. "Well, in that case, I think I have an idea."

Emery's eyes widened. "Where?"

"Later," I told her. "I just want to enjoy this lunch before we go cake tasting." I took another bite of my sandwich. It wasn't as wonderful as the grilled cheese Steve made me at the lakehouse, but it was still good.

"It's your turn," I said, tucking my legs underneath me on the sofa.

"Ok. What is your favorite comfort food?"

I snorted. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Just answer the question, Nat!"

I laughed. "Fine, fine. I'm gonna go with grilled cheese."

"You know, I make a pretty amazing grilled cheese if I do say so myself," Steve said, puffing out his chest.

"Well, maybe you can make it for me tomorrow."

"Who says we have to wait until then?" Steve asked, standing up.

"Wha" I followed him into the kitchen. "We don't have any bread. And I used all the cheese already."

"The store is still open if we go now."

"Steve, we're not exactly dressed for a run to the store."

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he took us to our bedroom. He dropped me carefully on the bed and rummaged through the drawers for some more decent clothing.

Once we were dressed, Steve took my hand and we walked out to the car. Half an hour later, we were back in the kitchen.

"Prepare to have the best grilled cheese in the entire universe," Steve announced as he put a plate in front of me.

I took a bite. Steve was definitely not lying. He made a pretty great grilled cheese.

"So? Was I right?"

I smiled and kissed him. "Absolutely. And just for that, I'm gonna show you something I'm pretty great at tonight."

Steve smiled. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Nat, you good?" Mandy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I smiled. "Yeah. Just thinking. I might take a walk before the cake tasting. I'll meet up with everyone later, ok?"

"You want any company?" Emery asked.

I shook my head. "Thanks, but I just need to clear my head." I stood up from the table and headed outside.

Once I was alone, I took out my phone. "Hey. Can you meet me?"

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

"So, you're coming to me for relationship advice?"

I punched Tony in the shoulder. "Not relationship advice. Just...I have an idea for the wedding venue. And I need your expertise."

"Well, I guess if I can become an expert in astrophysics overnight, I can learn design that quick, too," Tony said, shrugging. "You wanna take a drive out there and tell me the plan?"

"I can't right now. I'm meeting Steve for a cake tasting soon. But we can go in a few days. I don't want Steve—or anyone else—to know yet. So this has to stay between us, promise?"

Tony nodded, putting his arms up so I could see he wasn't crossing his fingers. "I promise. Now, you wanna tell me your ideas? That way I know what I'm working with when we go to the lake house to scope it out."

"Yeah. But let's walk and talk. I told the girls I was going outside for some air, so if they spot us together, just say that you ran into me."

"Copy that, Romanoff." Tony saluted me and then I proceeded to tell him my plan.

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