Epilouge: I'll See you soon

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We had just reached Washington, running full speed back towards the Cullen home after receiving an urgent call from Alice.  She didn't say what for, only that we needed to make it there in the next hour.

It didn't take too long to reach forks, and then 30 minutes later, we reached the lawn of the residence.

"FIREBREATHER!" Emmett roared, and then out of nowhere, I was tackled and squeezed senseless. Emmett managed to catch me off guard, which caused me to shriek in surprise.

"Jeeez, EMMY! PUT ME DOWN!" I Laughed, desperately trying to detangle myself from his arms.

"If you ask nicely." Emmett grumbled, squeezing me tighter. I groaned and effortlessly slid out of his arms, making my way over to Edward.

"Not the time Emmy." I glanced back at him as he stared through his arms, bewildered.

"Wait--- What the Hell?!"

I gave a chuckle turning my attention back to Alice and Edward. He talked to Alice in front of the home door, shaking his head. When Alice looked at me, her eyes lit up, and she, too, tackled me.

I rocked back and decided to let myself fall, landing on my back with a *thump*. "Missed you too, Alice. Please stop trying to break me. Poor Jasper is getting Jealous." I then heard Emmett laugh a loud hardy laugh, poking at Jasper, who did look bothered with the affection Alice was showing me.

"Aww, don't be a sour face. I'm just happy that everything is going well according to plan." Alice sat up and then stood, pulling me up with her. "Most of the Witnesses/allies will be coming around this time tomorrow. The pack will be here in a little while to have a discussion. It seems they want a piece of the fight." Alice giggled, Akei coming up to stand next to her, staring at me.

"We are going to scower the planet and look for the friends we've come by over the years. We'll be back in a week."  She squeezed in between Edward and me and hugged me. When she let go, she turned to find the others of our family, my eyes blurring a bit.

"I'll see you soon. *tu'ahu ta'sen, Kles'Akei*." I said, watching her glance back at me over her shoulder. One of her arms that I didn't see before moved to give me a subtle wave, disappearing from my view.

"All we have to do is wait... I don't want to." I looked to Edward, who was already looking down at me, his golden irises filled with love and determination.

"I'll follow you anywhere, Nieve. Even to death." He gently grabbed my chin and held it between his finger and thumb. I stared up at him in wonder, not fully understanding how I got to be with someone like him.

"I don't want you to die; I want you to live."


Scales of Twilight[18+][ NEEDS EDITING. READ AT OWN RISK]Where stories live. Discover now