Chapter Eighteen: Nomads

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After about a four-day stay, we returned to forks. I didn't think about the information I was told; I wanted to do something that would take my mind off things; unfortunately, it wasn't Eddie Boi.

"Whooooo! Alice just said there's going to be a storm, anyone up for some vampire Baseball?!" Emmett howled, earning a few of the eagar sounds from the family. I even perked up a bit; Vampires play baseball? Who fucking knew!

"Soo, Baseball?" I tilted my head, my black curly locks falling over my shoulders, the other's heads snapping to me. "Ever played?" Asked Jasper, twirling a baseball bat around his hands. The expression on my face must have said it all because he cracked a grin.

"It's Alright; we'll teach ya." He grinned before going to see where Alice ran off to. Edward came down stairs in a baseball jersey; I was wearing some leggings and a sweater jacket, entirely underdressed for the occasion.

"Umm... So... When are we leaving?" I blinked, blushing, when he placed a baseball cap on my head. "Right now." He chuckled, kissing my forehead, grasping on to my hand firmly.

*"How about wrapping that hand around my neck and choking me."* I glanced at him, his face morphing into one of shock and hurt.

*"Why in the hell would you want me to choke you?!"* he seemed bewildered as he looked into my eyes, searching for an answer. I just smirked, getting a kick out of the recognition in his irises.

*"oh... Kinky, love."* he rolled his eyes, nudging me as we all walked outside getting into the torcher devices called cars, worst invention ever.


"YOU'RE OUT, EMMY!" I cackled when he got up whining that he didn't make it to first base in time.

I must say, playing with them is fun but, my arm hairs told me that something was leaking and was going to make an entrance soon.

I wasn't the only one that noticed. Alice kept looking at me, a pointed look. Edward, who looked at Alice, glanced at me, his eyes widening before they flickered back to Alice again. I watch nothing but rage contort his expression, his lip lifting in a snarl. Jasper felt the unease and agitation ran over to Edward and me before glancing at Alice.


"Alice, why have they come back? They narrowly escaped with their life last time?" Edward's voice, usually velvety and musical, sounded harsh and cold.

" paying a visit; he wants to settle the score." She looked at me and then at Jasper. I had a feeling what was about to happen, and my fingers morphed into talons in anticipation. More asshole vampires to kill, and if the Cullen's didn't do it first, I was.

That's when two of them came through the trees, a male and a female both wild and farel in appearance. The woman had wild ginger hair, and the male was blonde with his hair around his face. Their eyes, which made me want to kill them even more, told me they had no respect for any forms of life, and they blazed red.

The male chuckled as he stopped a few feet away, the woman looking to Edward and then to me in confusion; I'm guessing they were here to see Bella in my place.

"Well, hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He looked to the woman next to him, who smirked condescendingly.

Edward held my hand firmly in his grasp as he growled. "You aren't welcome here." He managed to spit out, leaning his body forward in a threatening manner. The display only seemed to tickle the red-eyed vampires.

" Aww, cheer up. Where's Bella? I was hoping to say hello?" He tilted his head as his eyes moved to me, his smile only seeming to grow.

I just laughed; I laughed so hard that my stomach ached, doubling over.  Was he serious right now?

The Cullen family and the red eyes nomads watched me, cautious, yet they were confused.

" She's dead. I killed her. I suggest you leave before I bury your ashes with hers." My voice rang out confidently and coarsely; I could already feel my teeth elongating, flexing my talon-like fingers at my side.

Now it was his turn to laugh, but it didn't last long. To show him I wasn't joking; I was in front of Victoria. I watched her blink, taking a stunning step back as she started in my eyes. I watched with satisfaction as she saw my eyes go from serpentine silver to a blazing beedy yet very chilling gold.

She didn't have time to register anything else before I kicked her head clean from her body.

Chaos ensued, the family watching with mild caution and horror as the nomad male grabbed me by the neck, lifting me off the ground.

"You----INSECT HOW DARE YOU---MY VICTORIA?!!"  He was beyond enraged; there was no room for sadness; he was furious that I had killed his lifemate. Emmett being the try-hard powerhouse he is, managed to snatch me away, landing a deafening blow to his face.

"With one look at Victoria's dead body, his eyes flicked to me; I saw nothing but hate.

" Game on, little piglet." He backed away slowly before disappearing through the trees.

"Your loss." I grinned hugely like the Cheshire cat. " I was hoping he wouldn't return. He was an asshole." Emmett growled, his giddy goofy demeanor replaced by a serious one.

I didn't even register what Emmy had said; with one quick look at Edward, I took off after the Vampiric plague.

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