Chapter Tweleve: Tempted to touch

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We hadn't even entered the home yet, and I could hear Alice screaming happily as she raced down the stairs and out the front door towards me. She tackled me harshly, which caused me to rock back onto my heels before my footing steadied again.

"Jeez, Alice, I may be strong, but please don't try to break me." I swung her around as she laughed happily in my arms before stepping away. "You're fine, you big baby. I just missed you. We all did, Even little Eddie here." She chuckled as Edward growled at his sister for using the unwanted nickname. I watched in amusement as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh hush, Edward, you can bite my head off later." She batted a dismissive hand in his direction as he began to fume.

"Is that our little fire-breather?!" Emmett shouted out the window, the rest of the family coming downstairs to greet me. He wasted no time jumping out the window, charging head-on at me. I tensed as I knew he was going to tackle me just as Alice did and took off across the clearing, laughing my head off. "Oh my fucking God, Emmett, I just told Alice not to break me! Don't TRY TO DO IT EITHER!" I shouted, laughing as he charged after me, giggling like a giddy child. "I won't squeeze you so hard that you'll die! I wanna give my favorite person in the world a bone-crushing hug! C'MERE!" He laughed as he gained on me.

I screamed as he reached out to grab me, right as we breezed past the rest of the family.

"Fuck off! NOOOOO!" I screamed, laughing to the point of tears and a cramping belly, which inevitably caused him to catch me and pull me into a literal bone-crushing hug, or at least it would have been for an average person.

"Eve, language. Emmett, put her down before you hurt her." Esme scolded as she made her way over, grabbing the big child by his ear, causing him to abruptly drop me, whining as his mother figure pulled his ear.

I laughed at the sight, pointing, everyone bursting into a fit of giggles at our antics.


We were all inside at this point, talking catching up even though we were only apart for two months. It seems I didn't just hurt Edward, but I hurt the family; they've all grown pretty game attached to me, every one of us bonded in some way, shape, or form.

Jasper was the only one that kept his distance from me; he said because my blood was strange, it repelled him; when Edward said that I bled purple instead of red, he figured it had something to do with what was in my body.

I mean, I have been told by other vampire creatures that I smelled strange; who knew that was the reason?

"Are you hungry, Nieve?" Esme called to me from the kitchen, standing over the stove cooking something that smelled delicious.

I let my nose do all the work as my eyes shut, smiling when I was guided by the aroma, sitting at one of the bar stools that circled the island.

"I would love to, Na'thwi." She stared at me for a long moment, everyone else in the room looking at me as if I had said something strange. I blinked at everyone before shrugging

"Here you are, sweetheart." She placed a rather large bowl of Chicken alfredo in front of me, my stomach growling loudly for everyone to hear. I dug in immediately, moaning at the taste, scooping another mouth full into my mouth. They all watched in wonder as I stuffed my face like I hadn't eaten in months, finishing with a happy sigh.

"I didn't know women of your caliber could eat like a man." Emmett's voice erupted behind me as he stared down at my empty bowl with a raided dark brow. I punched him in the gut, smiling when he doubled over grunting.

"Says the bodybuilder who looks like he can eat three cows, mind your business." I glared at him, somewhat offended, my fingers curled to fist around the fork in my hand. They all flinched when the fork began to bend at an unnatural angle before snapping, dropping onto the countertop before tumbling to the floor with a metal clang.

"Hey now, I didn't----" Emmett tried to defend, but I just stared daggers at him until he clamped his mouth shut, walking away utterly hurt.

I sighed, staring at the countertop, feeling the electrical shock when Edward wrapped his arms around my waist. "How about we go to my room? I haven't held you in two months." His musical purr caused me to shudder violently, silver gaze flickering up to meet his amber irises.

I took him up on that offer as we made out way up the stairs leaving the others down in the living room.

I opened the door to his room, noticing that his room was rearranged, looking completely different from when I first ever came in. The bed was by one of his large glass windows, and the glass door leading to his balcony had a sheer white curtain billowing from the outside breeze.

"You missed me so much that you rearranged your room?" I rose an eyebrow at him, shuffling over to the bed and sitting down comfortably. He rolled his eyes with a slight smirk, staring at me all the while.

"I told you... I'm in heat. Being alone with you right now is not a good idea." I stared up at him from beneath my lashes, licking my lips before hitting down slightly. His eyes seemed to follow the movement, his brows furrowing as a wild light blazed in his eyes.

He was in front of me in the next second, his hand cupping my chin as he lifted my head to look at him. "I'm willing to endure the torture to have you stay with me. We'll come down that road when we get to it." His voice was husky and hushed, laced with promises I knew he'd keep. He stared at me as if I was the most beautiful person in the world, the way his eyes moved to take in every physical aspect of me made my heart flutter.

My breathing quickly became shallow as his thumb passed over my bottom lip. "You're very vulgar. I can't control myself when you do the little things that you do." He pushed me down onto the bed hovering above me at a safe distance, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed his venom.

"If we don't stop right now, I'll take you." I whispered, lifting one of my legs to wrap around his hips, trapping him. Emmett's bombing obnoxious laughter seemed to shake the entire house, which was the push I needed to snap back to logic. I quickly pushed him away, grasping opening the balcony door just enough to let the breeze wash over my burning body.

*...temptation never hurt so bad...*

He placed his head in his hands, sighing, staring at me from across the room. "I don't think I've ever wanted another so much. You, my beautiful mate, are troublesome." He chuckled openly as if he pushed the whole situation under the rug, coming to sit down next to me. He pulled me into his arms, starting the window with his chin resting comfortably on my head.

"I wish that I met you first instead of Bella. A whole lot would have been easier." He whispered, rubbing my back soothingly up and down. I just snuggled closer, my hand resting right over where his beating heart would have been.

"I'm glad I didn't meet you then; my life was complicated enough. I'm glad I found you now; situations seem easier." I whispered, knowing his ears picked up my quiet reply.

"What does Na'thwi mean?" He asked suddenly, pulling back to look at me.

I blushed and looked away, distant memories filling my head.

"It means Mother."

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