Chapter Fourteen: The path of Scales

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I've been itching to consummate our bond based on the fact that I was in heat and Edward couldn't take his hands off of me, literally. I'd have to stop him from doing the work for me because my scent seemed to drive him into oblivion, whatever that means.

"In a couple of weeks, my family is going to play baseball; Alice wanted to ask if you'd join?" Edward came to the room from hunting with Jasper and Emmett, my eyes tearing away from the pages in a book I found in Edward's library.

I frowned a bit; having seen many sports matches, I didn't think they were fun. " Only if it's interesting; I'm not a person who enjoys sports, Eddie." I closed the book and sat it down, just as he closed the door to his room watching me.

He was having a hard time controlling himself of late; in his face, I could see he was physically struggling with my scent. I've offered to leave and go back home, but because he's so fucking stubborn, he confined me to the room.

"I told you, it's not wise for me to be here with anyone, especially you." I climbed off the bed, sitting right at the edge, watching. I watched his stone face contort as he swallowed a mouth full of venom that happened to be running down the side of his chin, his eyes following my every movement.

"I think I remember saying that I'd endure the torture however long it takes." He sighed as he slowly approached me, his eyes seeming to glow as they wandered my sitting form.

*so...he's a masochist?*

I shook my head, holding my hand up to stop him. "It's only going to get worse for you, Eddie. I have something at home that'll minimize the effects that I have on you, but you won't let me leave. You just wanna get raped." A Cheshire-like grin split my face, and my eyes flashed gold instead of their usual silver.

"PLEASE GO AND TAKE WHATEVER THAT IS YOUR TALKING ABOUT. WE'RE DYING DOWN HERE!" Emmett roared from the first floor, clearly annoyed at his brother for keeping me here and smothering everyone else in the house.

"Then I'm going with you," Edward states, his lips pressed into a thin line, his irises flashing from gold to black and back again.


We slowed down once we reached my backyard, Edwards cold alabaster hand gripping my own tightly. "Stay out here; I can't risk you bending me over while I go look for it." I smacked his ass on my way up to my back door, hearing his annoyed snarl at my manhandling gesture.

*"I truly forget how vulgar you are. I might take you up on that idea. I suggest you be careful with what you think next, Eve."*

I chuckled as I made my way up the stairs to my room, rolling my eyes.
*"I surpass your strength; you've gotta tie me up before even thinking about me taking your pipe without a fuss. You're turning me on right now; I suggest you stop it before I take you on my kitchen table."*

I heard his amused musical laughter, a belly clencher it was and contagious, that I began to laugh too.

When I found the necessary vile, I took the shot, struggling to keep it down, swallowing with a twisted expression of disgust.

*that shit is nasty.*

I could immediately feel a difference, my body temperature dropping dramatically, the aching feeling in my nether regions gone and forgotten.

When I made it back outside to him, he stared at me in caution, flaring his nostrils as he took a cautious sniff, visibly relaxing after a few seconds.

"Oh, thank God..." He breathed, darting over to gather my body in his arms, without the hanging feeling of wanting to tare each other's clothing off.

"I'm sure Emmett will say the same thing." I chuckled, brushing my fingers against his cheek, watching him in wonder as he leaned into my hand.

*im not even in heat anymore... And yet he still finds ways to tempt my soul...*

"Do I love?" He tilted his head to the side, setting me down carefully onto my feet. It was at that moment that I forgot that he could read my mind. I didn't even bother to put up a block, and it was for shits and giggles.

I was too tired to care.

"Any other time, I would be upset, but I don't have the energy." I leaned against him as we made our way back to the Cullen's home.

"Should I be prepared for the next time you start suffocating everyone in the house?" He glanced down at me, gently squeezing my hand that rested in his. I peeked up at him, choosing what I said next very carefully.

"When the next one hits, I won't be able to control myself. I rather not be in that house when it happens." I pecked his cheek and then darted off into the direction of my second home, laughing as he chased after me.

"You know I'm faster than my siblings right?" He called behind me as he began to gain on me. The wind whipped around me, blowing my hair backwards as I seemed to materialize between the trees. I just smirked, sticking my tongue out at him. "Haha, you were until now." I looked back at his confused expression laughing.

With a grunt I leaped forward, disappearing from his view leaving him in the dust.

Scales of Twilight[18+][ NEEDS EDITING. READ AT OWN RISK]Where stories live. Discover now