Chapter Sixteen: Wandering the wild

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Everyone was huddled in the living room with at least one decent size suit case and a small bag. They were all looking at me as Alice dragged me downstairs.

"So Eveie, Ally says we're all going on a trip. WILL THERE BE BEARS?!" Emmett exploded with excitement, his voice erupting like a volcano's top exploding. I winced at the ringing in my ears and stared at him like he was crazy.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you want to see bears?" I wish I hadn't asked the question; his eyes lit up with a mischievous glent, a smile widening on his lips.

"----I DON'T WANNA KNOW!" I snapped, holding my hand up; I tried to get all that I needed out before my body began to shift. This was a last-minute decision, but I couldn't think about that right now.

With a sigh, I looked at everyone else's bag before pointing to the middle of the living room floor. "Place all of your belongings in front of me, please. You can't carry it where we're going." I instructed with a slight smile, feeling Edward make his way over to me, pressing his body into my side.

*Eve... Are you going to tell me where you're taking us?* Edward grabbed my hand, making me shudder from the constant electrical currents passing between the two of us, glancing up at him.

I gave a shake of my head, beaming. If I spoiled the surprise, it wouldn't be much fun, now would it.

When everyone had placed their suitcases along with anything else in the middle, with a fluid flick of my wrist, they all in an instant disappeared. Emmett's laughter seemed to cause me to wince, my eyes cutting to him.

"So cool!" He cheeses, slightly vibrating in excitement. That's when the pop in my shoulder silenced everything, and a grunt of pain came afterward.

"Eve." Edward's concern was appreciated but misplaced as he yet again grabbed my hand. Then another pop which gave most of the Cullen family bewildered expressions.

"Take me outside before I bleed all over the floor!" I growled in pain as my shoulder blades began to ache, the skin above them splitting as everyone had a good gruesome view of my blood and bones underneath.

"Bleed? What----" Emmett looked to Jasper; he had a slight distasteful yet pained look on his face as he saw the blood bleeding through my shirt.

"I forgot none of you have seen her transformation before. It's quite jarring to watch." Edward winced as a blood-curdling scream escaped my jaws and elongating teeth. He didn't hesitate to gather me as gently as possible into his arms, leaping out of the window. One by one, they all jumped from the still broken window, watching and wincing as I screamed and cried.

With a hiss, my back exploded when the bones of my wings tore free, causing Emmett to gag and Alice to yelp.

"That's fucking groooossssss! WHY IS HER BLOOD PURPLE!?!" Emmett shouted; I could tell he was mildly concerned they all were. In my pained state, when I managed to look up at them while pulling what was left of my clothes off, Esme was sobbing as she stared in horror at the sight of my back ripping open. Carlisle being the medical expert he was, seemed pale as he watched. Edward, his jaw was set, and his eyes were filled with venom as he watched me within pain.

Then came the pain at the base of my spine, my now talon-like fingers repeatedly tearing at the dirt. I knew what would come next, and with a roar of pain, my skin split right at the beginning of the crack of my ass as my tail exploded out in the open. The bones in my body ached as I wailed over and over again.

When my spine shattered, an inhuman sound of pain escaped my bleeding lips, my eyes widening. I could feel everyone's discomfort as they watched my body break itself to change over and over again.

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