Chapter Thirteen: Secrets Revealed

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"What language is that? It's not one I've ever heard." He watched me for a long while, curiosity changing his features. I smiled, laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling. "It *Azël* language of the dragons. On our planet, that was what we spoke, though we're fluent in many." I looked to him to gauge his reaction, smiling when he stared at me in wonder.

"Say something to me in your language; I wanna hear it." He moved closer to me, propped up on his elbow as he waited.

My cheeks grew warm from the unexpected request, shuddering, wondering what I could say to him.

I smiled as an idea struck, and I turned my body to face his. *"Ūrith, Edward. M'rêxi T'üth?"* I blinked at him as the words rolled off my tongue with ease, his lip twitching as his ears focused on the words that came from my lips.

"And that means, what exactly?"  He tilted his head, reaching over to play with my hair. I smiled as I grabbed his hand. " I said hello, and how are you." I yawned as the exhaustion began to take its time, the idus from the food making me sleepy.

"What a beautiful language you have. I've never heard something so seductive before." He whispered, brushing his fingers across my cheek.  I grabbed his hand sleepily, weaving my fingers through his cold alabaster one, resting my head on his chest.

"Dragons were the first seducers. We are also the first of knowledge, yet we don't know everything." I whispered tiredly, letting my lids droop close.

His arms wrapped around my waist and clung to me loosely, a deep chuckle filling my ears. "Sleep, love."

**Edward's P.O V.**

After I was sure Eve was deeply resting, I untangled my limbs from hers, quietly exiting my room.

When I made it downstairs,  my family hadn't moved from where they were when I had taken Eve up hours before.

"If the Volturi found out she was here, they'd have our heads," I muttered, resting against the counter. Rose seemed to be silty disgruntled as she looked at me. "Yet again, our family is being put in danger. When are you---"

I slammed my hand against the countertop, my head snapping over to her, and I stared into her eyes for a long moment. My reaction must have caused her to stop talking; she only seemed to stare at me in wonder and fear as I watched. "If you say anything else, Rosalie...." I let my sentence trail off there as the threat hung in the space between us. She looked away, her face falling expressionless as she stared out the window.

"Nieve isn't a danger; she is my mate. I'll protect her from all of you if I must. I'm sure you heard everything. She's not from here; I want to make sure she feels at home. She's been walking this earth since before we were even thought about." I stared at my clenched fist and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I can't even imagine what that must have been like," Emmett spoke after a while of silence, his eyes black from the lack of food. "She doesn't talk about it, but I can feel it. She's sad, and she's scared. Her emotions are very complex, but I can pick up certain things as well as overwhelming happiness." Jasper muttered from across the room, sitting against the wall cross-legged on the floor with Alice's head on his lap. I sighed, watching the trees sway as the breeze blew them.

"The last two months were torture; I can't live without her; it's been made painfully aware to the both of us." I could feel my eyes prickle with a sting, though I'd never cry again.


**Nieve's P.O.V.**

It was an ongoing dream that seemed to assault my nether regions. I could feel his lips brushing against the sensitive stiff budding of my clitoris, my back arching off the mattress as I screamed with delight. "Eddie.... Please...don't tease!"*

It was a plea that was falling on deaf ears, feeling his lips curve upwards as he licked me painfully slow this time. " Tell me what you want, love, don't be shy. Put that vulgar mouth to good use." He growled as he crawled up the length of my body, pinning my squirming body under his own. His dark eyes said it all; he wanted to make me scream.

he then grabbed my ankle, slipping between my already soaked thighs, weaving his free hand through my fingers. He said at the entrance waiting to invade my warmth with his cold yet aroused appendage. I wouldn't say I liked that I was moaning, groaning mess; it was painfully aware that I was needy. "Hell, Edward. Fuck me! Fuck me so hard I can't move my legs! Please, I need you!" I shouted, lifting my hips to brush against his own, feeling an involuntary shudder pass through him.

his eyes seemed to get impossibly darker as he invaded my warmth, his eyelids fluttering closed as he felt the walls of my warm space trap him in a tight grip. He gave me no warning, and I felt full to the point that it felt like I'd break. Tears pooled in my eyes before they slid down the side of my face, a growl of my own filling the space between us. The electrifying feeling turned me into a puddle. He hadn't even moved yet, and I had already come, unraveling beneath his stone-cold body.

he leaned down to press his head against my own, pulling his hips back and then pushing them forward, my legs trembling violently. I managed to break free from his hold on my hands, dragging my talon-like fingers down his back, a hiss of pain and please passing through his clenched teeth.

"you came without me, love. I'm going to deliver your punishment. But first, wake up."

I stared up at him in my horny haze, confused and bewildered that he was telling me to wake up. What the hell does that have to do with him fucking my brains out? "Wake up!" He said again, none too lightly, and my eyes snapped open.

I lay there confused when realization made me frown; it was nothing but a dream, something that hadn't happened yet. I growled in frustration to see Emmett starting at me from the room door with his hand over his nose. "What's the face for? Do I stink or something?" I snapped, glaring at him as he rolled his eyes. "No, but you're polluting the entire house with your pheromones. Esme made dinner, c'mon, and eat bottomless pit." He chuckled behind his hand, laughing as he darted from the room door, my enraged scream carrying behind him.

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