Chapter Four: Confrontation

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They all looked at me as if I had grown another head. Edward seemed confused and frustrated as he stared at me. "I don't understand...Headache?"He tilted his head in utter confusion, which made me sigh in exasperation.

*I forget they've never seen a dragon before....fuck...*

I rubbed my temples and sighed. "This isn't the first time being here; it was your voice that led me to you.." I frowned, remembering the unruly cries that begged me to stay.

"My voice...? You mean, mental voice?" The big burly man spoke up this time, everyone's head-turning to him. he looked around and frowned with a brow raised. "What? Is it hard to believe that I know stuff?" my eyes flicked back to Edward as the rest of their family chuckled at the man's antics. "Beleive it or not, but the teddy bear is right." I frowned as I stared back into Edward's butterscotch glaze.

"They stopped the moment I screamed," I muttered, making all of them tense up.  The more petite woman who made me think of a pixie fairy, her head snapped in my direction, and she stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. " That was you? MY HEAD ALMOST EXPLODED!!" I cringed as her voice rose an octave, and I glared at her, huffing. "It wasn't my fault, BLAME EDDIE BOY!!"

Suddenly a booming laugh fills the front yard and then a yelp. "Jeez, alright, gosh."

"Wait---ME? I was the reason you screamed in pain?" Edward's face seemed to contort, a look of discomfort changing his features. I sighed and looked up at the cloudy sky, my expression falling blank. " You kept begging me to come back... begging me to stay. it got so intense that I could do nothing but scream to quiet the noise." I muttered in a calm voice.

The woman *Bella* made herself known as she walked up and stood next to my mate, her golden irises blazing in frustration, borderline hatred.

*the fuck is her deal...?*

I turned my attention on her for a moment, taking her glare head-on, my fingers curling into claws at my side. "Do you have something to say, Billy?" I tilted my head at her, holding back a smile as I saw that I got a rise out of her. I watched her lips pull back over her teeth, and she crouched forward, causing me to do so, mimicking her, my irises flashing gold.

"You're the reason that Alice was in pain, I'll never forgive you." She spits out, her hands balled into fists as she glared daggers at me.

*this bitch... how many times do I have to say it was an accident?!*

I then started to laugh, standing straight as nothing had happened. "I'll kill you, so whatever you're about to do, whatever you plan on doing... don't." I had made it very clear that I wasn't here to fight, just here to see the man that haunted my mind.

"Edward..." I turned my attention to the man that seemed to make time around me stop, my gaze seeming to bore into his golden ones. "We need to talk. Alone. It's important." I whispered, feeling my cheeks grow warm as we continued to stare at each other.  "Esme, Carlisle. I'll meet the rest of you inside." He turned around briefly to speak to the others before he walked in the direction of the mountain in the distance.


We found settlement on one of the great oak trees that resided around and sat there in comfortable silence. "I've been looking for you for a very long time," I said suddenly, watching his head turn towards me, and an unreadable expression on his face. It was almost as if he was searching for something in my eyes, or rather in my head which I didn't let him in just yet.  "How long is a long time?" He whispered, his velvety voice causing a shudder to pass through my very form.

I glanced at him before reaching out to grab his cold hand in mine, my lips pulling up into a smile. "Long enough. I'm guessing you know---"

"---Yes, Alice told me." He smiled a breathtaking crooked smile and squeezed my hand in his. "It seems we've been waiting for each other. I'd like to formally introduce myself." He turned his body with ease so that he was facing me, his undivided attention on me.

"Hello. My name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Who might you be?" He tilted his head with a small smile on his perfect lips.

I blushed and looked down at my hand still grasped firmly in his cold fingers. "The name is Nieves Gyzer. It's nice to officially meet you." Indeed as long as I tried avoiding this, I knew now that I felt complete, my only issues were telling him what I was and how I was going to deal with Bella.

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