Chapter Ninteen: The tracker vs. The hunter

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It was like the game of hiding and seak; only it was to the death.

Edward chased me, of course, and in the process, I found out that his name was James. Edward mentioned that he was the reason Bella was turned before Edward wanted; he had caused the family issues by hunting Bella.

*I guess that's why she was so annoying; it doesn't excuse her behavior... Maybe I should go dig up those ashes...*

I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't hear Edward yell of alarm. There James was. We had all managed to surround him in a clearing, but he was smiling like it was no problem at all.

*I think I'll turn him into a Eunich before I rip his head off.*

Edward's eyes flickered to me, a disapproving look on his face. "What... It was just a thought." I grumbled, leaping at the Nomad. The Cullen family knew to stay out of the way and watch, though they weren't the only eyes in the watching in silence.

"Kick his ass, FIRE BREATHER!" Emmett whooped, laughing as he heard a satisfying crack when my fist struck James' jaw.  The force of the hit sent him into the tree across the clearing and then to the ground.

When he stood, somewhat dazed from the punch, I noticed his jaw was dislocated. With a snarl, he popped it back in place, lunging at me. From that point on, we were in an intense fight, and my trophies included one of his arms and an ear I swiped off his face. My talons turned him into ribbon, yet he was still standing and fighting me. That's when he did the unthinkable.

He turned his attention to Edward, the one-arm he did have was wrapped securely around his neck and tightening.

A roar of rage escaped my lips, watching James' eyes widen in fear, but I could see his determination. He was willing to go out in the process of killing someone that I loved. How dare he?!

"Unhand the boy, and back away from my fucking sister!" It was a voice I didn't think id hear ever again. The eyes I felt watching before seemed revealed as others entered the clearing. The rage seemed to leave me, and my mouth fell slightly agape. Walking into the clearing was Kles'Akei and behind her were my two brothers, Fang and Bane. The others seemed to spread out as they created another yet unbreakable circle.

All of them were familiar faces that I thought I had lost to was a rather odd day.

James, in his fear, unintentionally released Edward, who was at my side in an instant. He, too, along with the rest of the Cullen family, looked around the clear to see others in the trees staring down at me.

"What in the----More piglets for me to drain?" James taunted as he started around the clearing. Only silence greeted him before I smacked his head clean off.

I watched his headless form hit the ground with a crack, my expression cold as I moved over to crush his head to ash with my foot. When I turned my attention to the others, the family I thought to be dead slowly gathered around me. Their faces which had been empty and cold before we're now filled with a happy light that I remember.

"Nieve... I don't believe it." It was Fang who spoke, his oil black hair standing out boldly against his albino-like skin. They walked up to me with Bane not far behind and stared at me with tear-filled eyes. He wasn't one to cry; if I remember correctly, it was only once that I saw his face. He yanked me into a bear hug, followed by everyone else coming around and squishing me. I was in the middle of a massive group hug, and I could only laugh hysterically as tears fell down my face.

It was when I spotted the Cullen family standing off calmly to the side that I pulled away from them. Edward was standing amongst them, his eyes following my every move, which my family seemed to notice immediately.

" Who is the boy?" Bane tilted his head as he stepped away from me, I guess to try and get a read on him. Edward just stared at him, his perfect lips curved down into a deep frown, his eyes then flickered to me. "He's just as vulgar as you; I can almost say that he's an ass." Edward slowly walked over to me and grabbed my hand firmly in his cold alabaster one.

"This is Edward Cullen, my Mate."

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