Chapter Seven: Misunderstandings

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When I awoke this morning to the feel of the cold wind when the unmistakable scent filled my nose.


It was faint, but I could smell him lingering in my room, his scent practically clinging to every surface. Part of me wondered why he was here, another part of me didn't have the energy to even contemplate, not after what happened last night.

dream flashback

his cold alabaster hands grasped my gyrating hips as if they were a lifeline, his lips hungrily tasted the entire surface of my throat with a possessive throaty groan.

he has succeeded in making me his, and he continued to repeatedly, licking the sheen and droplets of sweat off my shoulders and breast.

dream flash back end

I hissed, pressing my thighs together, turning over in my covers, and releasing an exasperated scream. This month was going to get drawn out painfully. Part of me wished that Edward had stayed in my room, even if he invaded my space, part of me was glad he didn't; I would've most likely raped him in my sleep.

I decided to get dressed for the day, deciding that because the sky was dark with oncoming storm clouds that it was a good idea to stretch my scaly leathery wings for a long-awaited flight. Part of me even wonders if maybe transforming was in the order being that I haven't seen my precious body in centuries.

who could it hurt?

With a mental shrug, I grabbed my car keys and drove as far until I found a secure place to park my car, hidden from the outside world. From there, I walked the trails until I came to an end, standing in a meadow filled with wildflowers and foxglove.

It's a mere moments, this clearing will be destroyed.

It's not something that I wanted, but it always happened when I transformed.

With a grunt, I hunched over with a pained hiss, saliva, and blood exploding from my mouth as the process started. My whole spine shattered, and with a pained-filled roar, I felt it reattach together one painful snap at a time.

The ripping of my flesh started, another inhuman screech escaping my lips as I did so, the area around my shoulder blades splitting as the bones for my wings tore from beneath my skin.

So and so forth, my body began to grow painfully in size, my fingers turning into talons, a tail exploding with a sprout from my tail bone.

When my transformation was complete, I became hyperly aware that multiple eyes watched me, cautious of what I would do next.  I stood on all fours, watching as one by one Wolves the size of horses walked from the treeline, speeding out so that I was utterly surrounded.

... These must be the earth's prowlers, idiots...

The spikes and scales on my spine, rattled in warning as they grew closer to me, stopping momentarily as they heard the noise of warning. Though the black wolf, the leader of the entire pack, stepped forward his muzzle twitching as a threatening growl escaped his open jaws.

I turned my long neck, the spines around my head rattling and spreading as I opened my jaws and released a bone-chilling serpentine roar, lifting my tail in a threatening manner, spreading my wings as I did so.

With a screech, I jumped up and pushed my wings downward as I took to the sky with another roar, disappearing into the storm clouds. Little did I know... The wolves weren't the only ones watching me...

The scent was so faint that I thought maybe I had imagined it, but I was pretty sure Edward had been there at the start of the transformation.

If that was so, I knew sooner or later he would confront me, and if he was anything like the Volturi, then he too would be on my list to kill.

**Edward's P.O V.**

.....what... In...the unruly world did I just witness...

The wolves were about to attack the woman that turned into a creature that could only be described as a dragon, another thing that was bothering me.

Why were the wolves so close to our territory?

I couldn't stand it anymore, they were willing to attack a creature that was wiser and much older than they were, they were willing to harm my mate.

"You're violating the treaty, you shouldn't be here, Sam." My voice rang out as I entered the clearing, staring at the black wolf in front of me, watching his head swivel back, snarling at me.

She is dangerous... You saw the beast she became.

"SHE'S NOT A BEAST!" I snarled, taking a threatening step forward, watching his ears flatten against his skull. "She's my mate. You harm her when there was no harm done to you, and war will come. THAT IS MY ONLY WARNING." I turned on my heel and walked back through the trees, fuming.

"Learn your place!"

I had just discovered that there was more to her, more to this world than I had initially thought.


**Nieve's P.O V.**

I've been flying around for a while now, with no desire for my feet to touch the ground. It has been so long since I've felt the wind passing in between my scales, I felt like I could stay up here forever... Though... It would mean I would be running from the problems below.

When night finally fell, I took off, diving towards the meadow where I had transformed before, grasping as I stood naked and covered in my blood.

The transformation itself takes physical pain, only when you stop shifting after a while, being that it had been a few centuries since I've shifted, the pain was damn near unbearable.

"Nieve..." The velvety voice was one I wasn't expecting to hear so soon, the moonlight that was visible tonight seemed to shine down on him once turned around to face him.

The next moment he was standing in front of me, his expression troubled as he held his breath at the sight and smell of my blood.

"I know you were here cannot tell anyone that I'm here... Or let anyone know who I am. They'll hunt me again and ill have no choice but to murder them all."

I turned my silver serpentine eyes on him, watching him sigh, cocking his head with a small crooked smile.

"I'm on your side.... I'll always be on your side Eve." He called me by the name that I only ever heard in my dreams, blinking lizard-like at him.

A question popped into my head and I gave him a suspicious glare.

"Why were you in my room last night?" I frowned slightly wondering what his excuse was gonna be, instead, he doesn't bother giving me one. He pulled me into his arms, leaning down to place his head on my own, closing his amber eyes.

"I couldn't stay away from you any longer... Though...  I ended up leaving anyway. You're very Vulgar you know, your dreams are even worse than your potty mouth."

I jerked away from him with a yelp when he mentioned"dream".

"You didn't..."  My eyes narrowed to slits, my cheeks warm in embarrassment. He just chuckled and brushed his knuckles against my cheek, a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"All you have to do is ask me, Eve. " he leaned in and brushed his lips against my ear chuckling. " I would prefer to see you that way..." He stepped back, grabbing my hand, dragging me with him as my mouth fell open, shock changing my features.

"Eddie boy, you shouldn't have told me that..."

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