One Hell of a Teacher

Start from the beginning

As we opened the doors we found that we were the first to arrive.

Duncan: "Guess we arrived earlier then expected."

Medusa: "Dear?"

Duncan: "Yes?"

Medusa: "I know this is a combat class, but... take it easy on them."

Duncan: "No promises."

After a short while the class started to fill with students, but looking at the list of students that i have there are two team missing, RWBY and JNPR.

Suddenly the doors busted open as the two said teams entered trying to catch their breaths.

Ruby: "Sorry... for being late..."

Weiss: "Yeah, someone forgot to turn on the alarm." She said looking at Ruby.

Duncan: "I'll let it slide this time, go to your seat."

They easily found seats among the others students.

Duncan: "So my name's Duncan Redgrave and i'll be your teacher for Advanced Combat Class. First, listen to what i have to say and you might survive. Second, no sleeping or eating in class. And finally, you will treat everyone equally, if any of you have a problem with Faunus, you answer to me got it?"

Students: "Yes sir..."

I'm not convinced.

Duncan: "I said.... DO YOU HEAR ME!"

Students: "YES SIR!"

Duncan: "Good."

Medusa: "I'm Medusa Redgrave and i'll be the assistant teacher of this class, before we start got any questions?"

I saw a Faunus girl raising her hand.

FaunusGirl: "Is the giant rock sword you used to defeat the giant Grimm your weapon?"

Duncan: "No, i'm more of a scythe user myself, but i choose to use chains just like Medusa."

For some reason i saw Ruby's eyes starting to sparkle when i mentioned scythe.

FaunusBoy: "What is your semblance of the both of you?"

Medusa: "That would be revealed in due time, for now pay attention and you may see them in action."

Girl1: "Um, Prof. Medusa what is your relation with Prof. Duncan, are you siblings?"

Not into that kind of thing!

Medusa: *giggle* "No, he is my husband."

Duncan: "Now let us begin, each team will face me in combat and i will analyze the results, at the end i will tell you what you lack. Understood?"

Students: "Yes sir!"

Duncan: "Good, now change into your combat gear and return here."

All of them stood up and walked out of the room to get their gear.

Medusa: "Uhhh, Duncan?"

Duncan: "What is it?"

She only pointed at the list of teams we had, more specificaly Team CRDL and saw....

Medusa: "Duncan, no."

Duncan: "Duncan, yes!"

But my thoughts were interrupted by something... sin and a lot of it, looking around i could sense somewhere in the academy, gotta look into it later.

Shortly the students came back with their combat gear on.

Medusa: "Alright, first team to participate is team RWBY."

Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now