Chapter 25 - Bliss, Interrupted

Start from the beginning

Natasha laughed, and pulled her in for a hug.

"I know the feeling," she replied quietly

As they reluctantly pulled away from each other Wanda looked deep into Natasha's eyes, really taking her in. After a moment Wanda shook herself and began to laugh.

"It's a few days," she laughed, "No need to be so dramatic."

"Yeah come on Maximoff," Natasha replied jokingly, "Get a grip."

They shared another laugh, and quickly realised that they both had no other reason for Natasha to linger any longer.

"Can I walk you out?" Wanda asked.

"Of course," Natasha smiled as she picked up her bags. Wanda took one from her, and with her other hand took Natasha's in her own.

The two walked together out of the house and as they reached the porch Wanda realised then that she was only wearing one boot.

"Oh god," she laughed embarrassed, "I guess this is where I leave you."

Natasha giggled at her, "Guess you weren't quite awake yet huh?"

"Guess not," Wanda replied, handing Natasha over her bag.

"I'll see you real soon, Maximoff."

"Yeah, you better. Don't forget about me here on the farm."

"Never," Natasha smiled.

Wanda tried to resist but pulled Natasha in for another hug, holding her tighter this time. Natasha had no choice but to drop her bags on the decking and wrap her arms around Wanda. She selfishly regretted having suggested Wanda stay, but knew deep down it would be better for her.

Wanda turned and gave Natasha a kiss on the cheek, and lingered there for a moment at the corner of her lip. Natasha turned to face her and the two froze, not knowing whether this was the best idea right now. An inch from each other, Natasha could feel Wanda's hot breath warming her face against the cool night air.

She tried for a moment to give herself any good reason to pull back, but didn't have to as Wanda created more space between them.

"Let's not say goodbye like that, how about instead you come back here and we can say hello."

Natasha smiled, "Deal."

She leaned down, returned Wanda's kiss on the cheek and picked up her bags again, walking to the jet.

Wanda watched her board, and after a few minutes waved to her as she took off. She stood there for a small while, watching the jet until it was out of view before sighing and heading back inside.

She jumped when she saw a figure standing in the hall.

"Sorry," Laura spoke quietly, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine," Wanda replied, "I didn't expect anyone to be up is all."

"Duty calls?" Laura asked.

Wanda nodded in reply, and despite the darkness shielding most of her face Laura could tell she was upset. So went to Wanda and put an arm around her, wiping away the few tears that had already escaped her tired eyes.

"I wish I could say that it gets easier, but it doesn't," she laughed.

Wanda gave a small laugh in reply, "It's silly though, I could have gone with her but I didn't."

"I'm glad you stayed, Wanda, and so is she. She'll work better knowing you're content."

"I know. She tends to be right about these things."

The two, still linked together began to walk further into the house towards the kitchen.

"She's a smart woman," Laura commented.

"Yeah, it's one of the things I love about her," Wanda said casually.

Laura stopped walking and turned, holding Wanda in front of her, who seemed to be fully unaware of what she had just said. She was confused to see a huge grin across Laura's face.

"What?" she asked confused.

"Did you hear what you just said?" Laura laughed.

"I... What did I say?" Wanda answered, still less awake than she realised.

"You just said you love her."

"I- I what?"

"You love Natasha."

"Oh god."


"That's..." Wanda trailed off.

Laura let her think, and after a second Wanda turned and looked right at her.

"I love her."

"You love her," Laura confirmed.

Wanda smiled again, letting the panic wash away. After a moment her face dropped, and she spoke again.

"I'm so screwed aren't I?"

"Absolutely," Laura laughed, "Coffee?"

"Please," Wanda replied eagerly.

"We'll figure it out, Laura assured her as the two women entered the kitchen together.

As much as it was needed, now was not the time for sleep.

A/N: Sorry for late update, and slightly shorter chapter! Some tech issues, but sorted now! Thank you all again for reading and we just hit 5K reads the other day! That's crazy! You all are the best!

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