Quick, Act Natural

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DESPITE BEING IN different departments, [M.Name] [L.Name] never failed to accompany his childhood friend to he classroom, even if he was running late or if there was a teacher supervising in the halls. He'd always find a way to escort her without facing any consequences whatsoever.

Just like right now, it has been 10 minutes since the bell rang, indicating that it is time for class. Even though teachers were a very rare sight in this story, students still abided the bell. Zoe Park, the childhood friend, was dragging the male aggressively through the corridors, paying no mind to the curious whispers of the background characters inside the other departments.

'What a peculiar duo.' A certain architechture department student had thought, his friend was bent down and tying his shoelaces, missing the double trouble duo of J High.

Meanwhile, [M.Name] had struggled against Zoe's grip, nearly stumbling and landing face first once they reached her department. Noticing a teacher coming to their direction, without so much as a warning, Zoe pushed her best friend to an empty seat in the classroom.

Weird glances were sent their way as the neon green headed teen finally sat on the chair, a bewildered expression on his usually blank face. Luckily the teacher didn't notice the unfamiliar face within the fashion department, simply leaving the class be to do its usual stunts.

Once the teacher was out of sight, Zoe let out a large sigh of relief. She stands up quickly and went to her highlighter looking friend, smacking his arm lightly. "I told you not to accompany me to class when you're late!"

Her sudden outburst had caused mulptiple heads turning to them. Zack, Mira, Daniel, Jay, Yui, and even Crystal became curious on what the fuck is up with the [M.Name] & Zoe tandem.

Not even sparing her a glance, he arranged the notes on his desk and disregarding the fact that he was supposed to be in the computer department right now, speaking with his usual deep yet soft tone, he answered shortly, "We're both late."

She huffed and crossed her arms against her chest, looking at [M.Name] with what was supposed to be a mean look but turned out to be a cute pout. This made the latter chuckle, a defiant smirk on his lips as he leaned back on his desk. A lot of the girls (and some guys) in class swooned at this hot sight, he was quite an attractive guy afterall.

"That doesn't excuse that you nearly got caught by the teacher!"

"You do know that my records aren't exactly squeaky clean, right?"

"But you getting caught by a teacher is so wrong!"

"Zoe. I hack and blackmail people for a living. Being caught by a teacher has got to be the least of my problems."

Now this. This made the others confused. He does what as a job? Zack and Mira knew he was an extremely dangerous guy if partnered with his laptop, but a blackmailer was quite a different story. They were shocked and doubted if Zoe knew of his job if she just shrugged that sentence off.

The other 3, however, had thought of illegal crimes immediately rather than noticing Zoe's probable awareness of this. Daniel was now questioning his knowledge of [M.Name]'s whole character. He was simply a puzzle he was too afraid to solve.

Jay had thought of keeping track on the mountain dew haired male once again, he had done so in the previous month since he saw him going to an extremely high class restaurant with the chairman of HNH, Charles Choi, a.k.a Crystal's father. He had conjured up a bunch of reasons on why he was with him, yet nearly all of them were too nonsensical to him. 'Seriously, why the fuck was he with Crystal's father?'

Speaking of Crystal. There the girl was, in her second body, typing furiously on her phone. She had been exchanging messages with a certain purple haired boy, with a quick negotiation of how much she'd send him and to how important the person was to be background checked.

Continuing on with the day, it was completely normal minus the fact that [M.Name] had not returned to his own department after lunch.

It was quite weird though. How [M.Name] was rarely seen outside of school (Jay had not told anyone on what he saw), how he always shows up to school in an expensive bike, wears his signature gucci glasses, only Zoe knows where the fuck this man lives, and he somehow has never been involved in any of the fights yet has a reputation of being terrifying.

Only Zoe Park, the chaotic half of the Double Trouble Duo, understands this enigma called [M.Name].

So here the 5 of them were, trailing the infamous DTD duo once the bell has rung. It only took a few moments of persuasion to coax Zack and Jay to come with him, Mira tagging along because she's a tad bit curious as well, Crystal was just a few feet away from them, she overheard what they were doing and decided to follow them.

Zoe clung to [M.Name], she sat on his front as he maneuvered his bike, his laptop and other belongings in the brunette's arms. As he biked in a slow pace, the group could easily eye them from the other side of the street.

Easily turning a corner, the DTD duo were already nearing Zoe's house when the glowstick haired teen abruptly stopped. Said male had turned his head towards the direction of their 5 shadows, his [e/c] eyes swiftly spotting all of them behind a car.

Daniel had felt the burning inquisitive gaze of the bespectacled man they were all tracking, alerting his companions immediately with incredible panic surging in him. 'Shit. What if he thinks we're stalkers?'

"Quick, act natural!"

"Oh, look at this pretty rock. Haha!"

"Wow. This wall is made out of wall."


"T-The ground is very interesting!"

[M.Name] sweat-dropped at his friend's classmate's antics but simply shrugged it off and continued pedalling towards the brunette's house, a soundless chuckle escaping his lips.

He knew none of them mean any harm in trailing him after school hours, he had experienced it first from his own department, although most of them were unsuccessful since he would usually go through different routes each time.

But it is still kinda hilarious how they'd put effort in just finding information about him that you can just simply ask.

"Ah. Idiots."

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