46. Of Bobbles and Bubbles

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We took the elevator to the parkade, where Dunc led us past a few dozen cars until the trunk popped open on a sleek, silver-grey sedan as we neared. With the lid up, I couldn't see the make, so I asked, "Nice car – what is it?"

"A Mercedes E350."

He loaded the three suitcases, then as the lid powered closed, I read the plaques. "Wow! Fanciest four-wheel-drive I've ever seen."

"It's great for Whistler in winter road conditions."

"You ski? Hah, of course, you do – to be up among the mountains."

He nodded as he opened the doors for Marcy and me. "I have a chalet up there."

I settled into the front seat, sighing as I sunk into the deep leather upholstery, and when Dunc got in, I asked, "Can we drive past? See if they've got him yet."

Marcy snorted a laugh in the back seat. "Your impatience, G. So eager to know, yet so slow to decide."

While Dunc backed out of the slot, he said, "We'll drive by. Satisfy my curiosity, as well."

He threaded through the aisles, working his way from under Winners toward the Home Depot parking area. Then we turned a corner, and I ducked down. "Fuck! That's him."

Dunc stopped the car. "He can't see through the tinted glass. Sit up and watch them nab him."

We watched as Garth walked to his car and unplugged and coiled the cord. Then as two uniformed police emerged from the rows and approached him, I fist-pumped. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes."

The three engaged in conversation for a while, Garth pulling out his wallet. Showing ID, I assumed. Then the two officers headed back toward their car. "What the fuck?"

"Probably false ID." Dunc pulled forward, turning the car to block the aisle, then he got out and ran toward the police car, beckoning me to follow.

I paused to wonder why. Of course, to confirm identification. I got out and ran after him.

When Garth had finished coiling the cord and stowing it, he got in and started backing out of the slot. Oh, God! How do I stop him?

Dunc was now at the police car, and whatever he had said, it caused them to drive forward, put their bumper against the tiny car and stop it.

I reached Dunc, and as he pulled me into a side hug, I began controlled breathing to help me regain calm. The two officers got out and approached Garth's mini car. No guns drawn. Of course not. This is Canada. Gotta stop watching US programming.

Garth complied with their order to get out and place his hands on top of his head, protesting as he did, "I already told you. You've got the wrong person. Whoever you're looking for, I'm not him."

"Frisk him," I shouted. "Pat down his crotch; you'll find a massive penis."

"Gigi?" He slapped a hand to his mouth. "Aww, fuck!"

"Gotcha, Garth."

Dunc held me as I trembled. "No need to fear him anymore, Gigi."

"Yeah. I think the shaking's from relief."

We watched as Garth was handcuffed and bundled into the back seat of the police car. Then Dunc said to one of the officers, "A short while ago, I phoned in some information about an extortion note from him." He pulled out his wallet and took a piece of folded paper from it. "Put this in an evidence bag. His fingerprints will be on it."

Garth called from the back seat, "What about my car? It's unlocked, and my computer bag's in it."

"The keys are still in it," One of the officers said. "We'll have it taken to the compound."

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