Ch. 22 Lost Without You

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Lucia had limped up to the golden and marble castle in the heavens and turned to fujin, her ankles and wrists were bloody.

"You two remember this? Remember when I stood on these stairs of this very castle and had been beaten by Kronika?"

Fujin frowned "I'm so sorry..." Both Raiden and Fujin had noticed the state Lucia was in, broken and Bruised. It triggered a memory of the day she had fallen. They watched with immense guilt remembering how they had let a grown woman beat a child to near death.

"I was 7."

As lucia kept walking keeping her head high. She thought re entering the heavens were gonna be everything she ever wanted, but it was just a huge let down. As Lucia walked up the stairs of the bright castle she had opened the doors herself and in the middle of the castle lay Kronika in chains. Lucia limply walked over to her, revealing herself out of the darkness.

"Lucia?" Kronika says in bewilderment, She had assumed the little girl died when she forced her father to abandon her in chaosrealm.

"Yeah Lucia, didn't see me in your sands of time?" Lucia mocked with disgust in her voice Kronika was stunned. "Cat got your tongue? Where's those kids of yours hm kronika? I want to speak with them." Kronika looked to the floor.

Suddenly every elder god appeared before kronika and they bowed before lucia, a titan.

Lucia only scoffed "where were you all when I had been abandon?" Lucia was still very salty to see these old faces. The Titan of time had stood trial, and lost, she had been executed and the crown had been taken to be offered to the One Being.

Lucia had crossed her arms as the elder gods looked at her "My father, Release him from his chains I know you've imprisoned him, for my father always knows when I would come back home." The elder gods looked at eachother before nodding.

The hidden door arose and as it came up it revealed a black Cage that you couldnt see through. The god of Justice used his amulet to open the cage door. Lucia waited for someone to come out of the darkness. And slowly they heard the stomping of angry footsteps heading their way. It was loud, and out came a foot outside of the darkness, a foot unmistakable for it's Claws and red skin.

Thrusting out of the darkness had been a beast, of Grey leathered skin, hands that became black with long claws at the end, His eyes were a heterochromic Black and white like Lucia's, his body was huge and something to be terrified of. A loincloth draped over his waist and atop his head weren't horns but spikes, and to top it off this beast had three heads.

He was about to roar when he saw Lucia. It seemed as though the beast had familiarized itself with Lucia's face. And suddenly said aloud.

"Lucia?" His voice sounded of a million souls screaming together just to speak.

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