Ch. 13 The Loved and The Damned

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"well thank you kahn." Lucia said rolling her eye and making her grin, subconsciously Lucia looked down at shao kahns body and stared at his armour, he looked wonderful.

"Like what you see little one?" Lucia rolled her eyes and took the arm shao kahn held out making sure to grab a glass of outworld 'finest' wine.

"I'm forever humbled by your humble personality." Lucia joked.

Shao kahn nodded "my influence is everlasting."

"Oh maybe the influence of your personality, but definitely not your fighting skills." He pulled completely away from Lucia and gave her a look.

"What are you talking about!?"

Lucia chuckled and blindly glided the glass to he lips drinking the sweet/strong saccharine wine "I'm just saying I I did infact beat you at simple sword sparring, so..." Shao scoffed.

"For your information mortal, had I not have been interrupted during the last match you would have lost!"

Lucia looked at him "oh interrupted? You were distracted deary, but I don't blame you, who can resist the beauty of Lucia Morana?" Shao kahn laughed.

"You have an ego bigger than mine." Sao teased.

These were the moments lucia couldn't help but enjoy, the moments where Shao kahn let's loose an enjoy her company.

Out of her thoughts she heard shao kahn mumble something "is something bothering you Kahn."

"Another tournament is coming up, you will be put in the front lines, but it's extremely high risk."

Lucia shrugged "enough kahn, let us drunk and forget about tomorrow's worries."


Lucia didn't know when or how it happened but both of you had stumbled onto the bathhouse and fell onto the floor sleeping in one another's arms in a drunken haze.

Later when shao kahn woke up he assumed he was on his bed until he turned uncomfortably hard to the side and opened his eyes briefly.

There he saw a sight ever so beautiful Lucia sleeping beside him her breath was steady and eyes were fluttering but not opening. Just then he realized a hand was pressed against his breastplate of armor.

She was so beautiful pieces of her black hair had fallen onto her face making shao kahn reach his hand up, and pushed the hair behind her ear letting his hand linger on her.

Shao snapped out of it quickly I getting up and practically ran out the door, he scolded himself for being vulnerable and walked to his own chambers. Shao kahn earned questionable states from maids but ignored them, when he got to his room a butler greeted him asking to get him breakfast but he shook his head.

"What happened last night?" Shao kahn asked.

The butler spoke "Emperor, you had taken a early leave last night, we had fiqured you went to your chambers."

"And what of my wife, where is she?"

The butler seemed a little hesitant "My empress had entertained-um a guest, but for now she is in the company of her guards."

Shao kahn groaned it wasn't unusual for Sindel to take suitors or make concubines, hell he couldn't even remember the last time he fucked his wife himself.

"Bring me one of my concubines!" The butler left in a hurry.

Shao kahn needed someone to satiate his need, it wasn't uncommon for Shao to mix love with lust. All he knew was that if Shao kahn isn't going to fuck someone he was going to rush in the room he left Lucia, wake her up and take her for himself.

[Kiss me One Last Time] →Shao Kahn x Fem!Oc ↑°•By. L.L [DONE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن