Ch. 14 The Cave of the Lost

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Lucia had made her way to the castle that night, she was beyond tired. Not only did she have to do so much yesterday, but when Lucia got back to the palace she had to continue studying the book of 'divinity'.

By the time she had decided to sleep she had realised the sun was already rising, with a groan Lucia got up and decided to take a bath, some unfamiliar maids had come in and ran the bath but Lucia had ushered then out, wanting to spend the last minutes of the night in comfort and silence.

Lucia's hands had wandered around the bubbles and rose petals, her hair was bubbly with rose essence shampoo, the bubble bath had been lathered with lavender oil.

Lucia head leaned back on the tub in relaxing satisfaction, a feeling Lucia could feel herself getting lost in.

The only thing you could see was Lucia's bare knee above the bubbles.

Her hands had rested below the water on her pelvis and she had closed her eyes.

Her imagination hadn't yet rested, Lucia couldn't help but continue thinking about the book, her family, her life. But she scolded herself for letting her work invade her relaxation. So with that she let her mind rest eventually it wandered onto a certain topic...shao kahn.

Lucia couldn't help the smile that creeped upon her face nor could she help the thought of him from entering her mind.

'He is diffrent.' Lucia thought 'hes unlike any man I have ever encountered.' Images of the emperor flashed in her head, images of shao sitting upon his throne, hands on the armrest, staring down with a cold gaze at his followers. Images of shao kahns smirk and that cockey walk he gave whenever he thought he had made Lucia swoon over him. That stupid hearty yet powerful chuckle he would let out followed by hands on his hips.

Lucia thought of shao in such a way that made Lucia feel...different. she knew it was stupid to think of shao kahn like anything more than bait. Had she forgotten? She was supposed to make the kahn think Lucia loved him, she was supposed make the kahn fall in love with her while Lucia dealt with his scheming wife.

Lucia buried her head in her hands. How could she think this plan was ever going to work? 'Me? Me!? C'mon Luci! How could you think he would ever fall in love with you!? What an idiot luci be better!!!'

Lucia sunk down into the bath water the water was now right to her neck.

But Lucia wondered...what does it feel like? What does being loved feel like?

All she ever knew was a father's love...but what would a partners love feel like? This is a question Lucia knew she'd never get answered. For no one could ever love the girl with the kiss of death, the kiss of eternal damnation. 'What would lips moving against mine feel like?' Lucia made a mental picture of it but what surprised her most was that in her imagination it was shaos lips against her own.

She shook the idiotic thought out of her head before replacing and enjoying the rest of the time she had left of her morning.


Everyone had gathered in the dining room eating breakfast and tea while shao kahn and sindel rested on their throne and mileena stood standing between her mother and fathers throne.

Sindel was sipping on wine while Shao stayed true to the dandelion tea in which he said helped keep him in shape. While mileena stood between the throne guarding her parents and watching over the soldiers. Everyone had noted lucias absence, it was uncommon for her to be late when she usually woke up before anyone else.

[Kiss me One Last Time] →Shao Kahn x Fem!Oc ↑°•By. L.L [DONE]Where stories live. Discover now