Ch. 5 An Early Birds a Flirty Bird

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Lucia awoke in her chambers earlier than anyone else on purpose, she washed up and left her room in a hurry only taking weapons and a few spell books.

Lucia walks through the halls down to the planning room, she knocked on the door twice before she heard that same gruff grunt meaning she could come in.

She gently opened the door peeking her head through, shao khan looked at the woman then immediately groaned.

"You have become quite a nuisance woman, leave me be!" Shao kahn roared looking down at his maps studying it, lucia looked around noticing there wasn't anyone accompanying him, lucia walked through the door sauntering elegantly, with a Flirty smile on her face.

Shao kahn looked up through his mask at her for a brief second before looking back down.

"Sorry mr. Konquerer, but I realized I never exactly thanked you yet." Lucia said sickly sweet, shao kahn loved it when people drooled over him but in this case it wasn't her usual rough flirting.

"Thank me? For what?" The kahn said suspiciously.

"For taking care of me when I was sick the other day?" Lucia batted her eyes walking over to shao kahn which made him step back.

"Ha I took care of nobody!" He shouted, trying to make it seem like he didn't care

Lucia rolled her eyes knowing this would be harder than she planned for it to be "I know, but you didn't exactly throw me out to the wolves, and for that I owe you." She purred.

"Tch, what is wrong with you woman?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Lucia said innocently.

"You are playing coy what's your purpose?" Lucia only laughed.

"Darling if you convey my thanks with playing coy than you have other problems to worry about." She chuckled lucia sauntered to the outside room where she heard shao kahn following behind her.

Shao kahn followed the woman before growling crossing his eyes "you need to learn some respect." He said passively but in his usual serious tone.

Lucia chuckled beside him "I respect those who deserve it, besides you wouldn't be following me if I was disrespectful." Shao kahn rolled his eyes  ready to leave when a small soft hand caught his own.

"Come with me emperor, please?" Lucia pouted.

Shao kahn pulled his hand back and huffed "why I have business to do mortal?"

Lucia rolled her eyes "because I want to know you, besides I can assure you, you'll enjoy this." Shao kahn caught up with her and stared "fine but this better not be a waste of my time." Shao kahn growled.

Lucia only laughed "ok follow me!" She said childishly skipping threw the halls and to the east end of the temple where a training ground resides.

Lucia walked over to the stand and the emperor followed closely behind not saying word just silently amused.

From the stand she picked up two dull swords "care to spar emperor?" Lucia handed one over waiting for him to take it.

Shao kahn reached out and grabbed the training sword "you amuse me mortal." He said.

"Thanks I try, now no powers or magic just pure talent and skill." Lucia said walking to the middle of the training field.

"Deal, best?" Shao kahn asks with a smirk on his face confident.

"Best 2 out of 3!" Lucia walked 5 steps away from the center and shao kahn does to.

They are now back to back roughly 3 feet away from eachother "and mortal, you will lose!" Shao kahn shouts looking behind him.

[Kiss me One Last Time] →Shao Kahn x Fem!Oc ↑°•By. L.L [DONE]Where stories live. Discover now