Reunited Mysteries (Vigil)

Começar do início

"Do you think the other operators would recognize me if I walked in with you?" Y/n asked as we started heading back for the agency.

"Probably not. Is it something you wanna try?" I replied, glancing at him. He shrugged, thinking about it before nodding. I guess he was ready to show who he really was.

We walked into the agency, Y/n hugging my arm, hiding himself a bit behind me. I smiled at that, giving him a small kiss on the head.

"I'm sure they'll love you," I reassured him. The first person we ran into was none other than Gustav himself. He paused, glancing at Y/n.

"Who's the friend you've got there? I don't think I've ever met them," he asked, studying Y/n.

"Oh, this? Why don't you introduce yourself, Y/n," I said, laughing as Gustav's face turned from interest to shock.

"Y/n?? Seigneur, je ne savais pas que c'était toi!" Gustav exclaimed, hands grabbing Y/n cheeks and squeezing them. (Christ I didn't know it was you!)

Y/n laughed, swatting his hands away as we walked off. It was pretty much like that for the rest of the operators.

Who knew it'd be the last we heard from him in a while?


Having finally gone through everyone there, we headed back to the 707 dorming. Y/n decided he wanted to stay the night with me and who was I to argue.

I knew y/n has always been an early bird, so it wasn't a surprise when I found him missing and a note on the dresser. Sitting up, I grabbed the note and read it.

' Went out to get breakfast for us. Be back soon :) xo y/n '

I smiled at that, pushing myself out of bed and getting ready for the day. Not really knowing what to do with myself, as it was my day off and I didn't want to go anywhere without Y/n knowing, I decided to stay in my room and watch some movies.

I should have been more worried about Y/n.


It'd be 7 hours since Y/n left. I had looked everywhere for him and couldn't find him. I ran into Gustav's office, panick extremely evident on my face.

"Chul- What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked, standing up from his desk.

"Y/n is missing. I can't find him anywhere and he won't reply to any texts," I mumbled in a dazed panic. Gustav's eyes widen as he immediately dials up Harry, filling him in.

××× One Week Later ×××

It'd been a week since Y/n went missing. We've had no luck finding him and I was honestly about to give up. Harry decided to let me have a few days off, knowing Y/n's disappearance had one of the biggest impacts on me.

Just when I thought I had someone forever, he got taken from me. I couldn't bare the thought of him being gone forever, but it was starting to seem that way. Until I got a certain text, that is.

It was from an unknown number, but the message was obvious. It was from whoever took Y/n.

' Bartlett University, 9 PM tomorrow. Alone, no weapons '

It was evidently a trap, but there was a chance to get Y/n back. Of course I'd take that risk. After thinking it through, I tell Harry about the text. Eventually, we come up with a plan and set it into motion.


Walking into the university, in which was still closed down thanks to the White masks, I scanned the building and scene around me. I saw no sigh of Y/n or his potential kidnappers, but I could hear the slightest sound of shuffling feet and quiet whimpering.

I head towards the noise, careful to watch my step and tread lightly. Walking into a spacious room, filled with enemites, I immediately spotted a tied and gagged Y/n. He spotted me quickly, shaking his head. But it was too late, as whoever kidnapped him saw me already.

"So, I see you listened. Now, I'll get to the point. If you want him back, you give me everything you know on Rainbow Six and their future plans. Don't try anything funny, either," they said, shoving Y/n's head around as they talked.

"Alright, fine. I'll tell you what you want. But give me Y/n first," I whispered. They obliged, letting Y/n go of his bonds. He came running to me, wrapping his arms around me as I held him close. I hugged him back, turning to face the other person.

"Now, what do you want to know first," I mumbled, sending a signal to the other operators.

Timur (Glaz), who had been rappelling from the window, fired into the room, taking a few down. Eliza and Blitz followed up, busting the doors in as Blitz blinded the enemies. During the chaos, I managed to get Y/n out of there, handing him off to Gustav and Mina. They hauled him into a car that had been holding the rest of the operators.

It took half an hour to clear the entire building, but I didn't care. All that mattered was that Y/n was back to me and safe.

××× 2 years later ×××

Waking up to the smell of someone cooking breakfast, I sat up, Y/n's spot empty on the bed. I wandered into the kitchen, smiling softly as I watched Y/n hum whilst pulling what I assumed were cinnamon rolls out of the oven.

Walking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, setting my chin on his shoulder.

Life couldn't be more perfect than it was in this moment.


× Day Dreams & Nightmares × R6 x Male!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora