Mission win him back...

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"Then I will wait

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"Then I will wait...." I shouted as he stepped back from my hold and walked away furiously, making me realize how he must have felt whenever I walked away from him, but I will not step back this time, not until I win him back.

"I will wait till you trust me back... till you believe that I will never leave you again... till you admit that I want you as much as you want me in your life." I continued with determination reflecting in my voice, and he turned back, scrutinizing my face.

"I know, I'm a big stupid that I thought you would be happy and safe if I'm away from you, but imagine once yourself in my position, Atharvaa... Seeing me lying on the road in a pool of blood or at the hospital fighting for life..." I paused, peering at his jaw-clenching face with darkened eyes.

"Khushi, stop..."

"Somewhere, I know I have been responsible for everything, so I run away... run away from the situations, as that was the only solution I found at that time, Atharvaa... not from you," I explained, slowly stepping towards him, and my eyes watered when his body tensed because of our proximity.

"Please understand your Kittu one more time, like you always did... Okay, be angry, fight with me, or shout at me, but please don't leave me, don't give up on me, Atharvaa... I can't be without you. I love you, Atthu... I love you so much... Please, forgive your, Kittu, one last time." I pleaded, clasping his hand, and a small hope raised when he cupped my jaw, leaning his forehead to mine. I don't know how much time we stood like that in the middle of the path, forgetting everything until he moved back abruptly, muttering to me to get into the car.

Sighing, I got into the passenger seat, and not wasting a second, he drove off with silence filled in the car. Khadoos Singhania didn't even wait till I wore the seatbelt. The next twenty minutes of the ride, I went silent, looking outside because of the exhaustion also to waver off the thoughts which are eating my brain, until he suddenly applied the brakes in a swift while cursing the person present in the car next to us who accidentally bumped slightly into our car, leading me to jolt forward. Though, my heart warmed seeing his protective arm holding me immediately, avoiding me bumping into the front deck.

When he wasn't there?? He was always there with you... For you, but you... always broke his heart by keeping him in the dark... running away from him, breaking every promise. You don't deserve his love, Khushi. He deserves so much love. My brain mocked cruelly, causing me to realize all my mistakes with a hard slap.

But this time I'm going to listen to my heart, selfishly because I can't leave without him... I'm tired of leaving without him, and no one is going to change my decision, even if it's himself.

"Stop staring at me." He spoke, startling me, still keeping his eyes in the front, and I leaned more into him from my seat with a smile, placing my chin on my folded knuckles.

"My fiance, my wish... Don't disturb, let me see." I said, swinging my hand, admiring him, but frowned when he scoffed, eyeing me with a distant look.

"Fiance??!" He questioned with a dry mockery chuckle shaking his head, shifting his focus to driving, and I intertwined my right hand with his left hand, which was on the gear rod, ignoring his words.

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