Hidden past...

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"Sister, bring the emergency drug tray fast," I yelled at the sister hurriedly, checking the pulse rate of the kid, which is dropping rapidly

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"Sister, bring the emergency drug tray fast," I yelled at the sister hurriedly, checking the pulse rate of the kid, which is dropping rapidly. Administering the drug, I examined that the patient is having tremors.

"Doctor, she is not responding, and the pulse rate is falling sharply." The nurse stated tensely, noticing the alerting sounds on the monitor.

"Pass the Ambu bag quick," I shrieked, giving CPR compressions to the patient who is now struggling to breathe, but my fear turned right as a straight, as an endless line appeared on the monitor, followed by the loud crying sounds of her family.

I exited the ward feeling useless and anger with myself. Running my hand through my hair frustratedly, I slumped onto the nearby bench, holding my head in my hands, and tears rolled on my cheeks unconsciously.

"You tried your best, Beta." A warm and embracive arm wrapped around my shoulder, side hugging me.

"Maa, did you see that girl?? she looked about only eight or nine years. I feel so inefficient for not saving that innocent life." Leaning my head on Lakshmi Maa's shoulder, I expressed, sighing dejectedly.

Duffer and I reached here immediately after receiving a call from Lakshmi Maa, urging us to come to the same rural area where we conducted the camp before two-and-a-half months back, as they need a doctor, particularly a pediatrician. As soon as we reached here, Maa described to us how she got a request for help in the morning from one of the members of this village as there are sudden deaths of children occurring in their region with an unknown disease than to how she learned about the dreadful news of six kids expiry with the same symptoms in last two days.

"No, Baccha, her death isn't in your control, and you tried your best. It's not your fault." She empathized, patting my cheek gently.

"Here, drink this, you will feel better." Giving me a Hankie and hot cup of coffee, Duffer settled down beside me.

"Did you get any idea about the infection these kids are suffering from???" Duffer asked after giving me some time.

"Some symptoms are very similar to Dengue but I haven't observed any decrease of platelet count in her blood sample reports, so I have to examine other's cases who have admitted with the same symptoms and also have to talk with the senior doctor Kulkarni Sir for suggestions," I replied, exhaling deeply.

Instructing Duffer to stay with Maa, I made my way to the lab to review the reports of kids who died with this infection but frowned, seeing no one present in the cabin and while shuffling back and forth in the process of waiting, I got a glimpse of the medical reports, which I require. Debuting for a minute to take it or not in the absence of an assistant, I let my impatience win.

I furrowed my brows, seeing the records in which they mentioned the cause of death as a simple viral infection, and the most shocking one was the consent form attached to the documents. While checking and confirming that is the consent forms added to all other reports accidentally, one file slipped from my hand, causing me to bend to grab those. I was about to getup taking the file but halted when I listened to the hushed tones talking about the reports.

"Did you take the signature on the consent form from the parents of that girl who died earlier???" Leaning on the table, the tall person asked firmly, the other one who I think is one of the doctors from appearance, and I slowly crawled to the corner and hid where they can't see me.

"No, I was going for that but stopped when I spotted that new doctor speaking with her parents," and I grasped hesitance in his voice.

"Who is she, and who called them here???" The person hissed at him, making him shiver, and I knew they were talking about us.

"Don't know who called them, but I'm afraid. What if they found the truth??" He expressed with a frightened expression, and I cursed myself for the first time for not carrying my phone anywhere. If I brought my phone with me, at least I would have recorded their conversation.

"Don't be!!! I got to know that she is working as a pediatrician in our boss's hospital, so we don't have to worry about that. But quickly collect the signatures from the patient's parents on the consent form were 'informed to the patients' have written." The tall guy responded calmly.

"It's so easy for you to say, but not for me. If I get caught, my entire life will be doomed. It's a big crime to change the reports and take the sign without their knowledge, and if anyone gets to know that the actual cause of their death is because of the vaccination they took..." I gasped but instantly covered my mouth to not to get caught.

"Shut up!!! How many times did I said you, do not talk about it and don't speak like a saint person you're taking a hefty amount to do this work so, finish your task quickly, or else you know the consequences???" Cutting off the other guy's words, the tall person threatened, causing him to sweat profusely. Talking themselves, they made their way out after receiving a phone call, but I got rooted on the same spot gulping the unexpected information.

What should I do now?? Should I register a complaint?? But I don't have any proofs against them, and he said their boss is the owner of the hospital where I work... Is he... Oh My God!!! Is that the same vaccination that we gave to the kids when we conducted the camp??? How can that be??? Maa and I checked them personally before... Maa.. maa I have to take her from here before they get to know about her identity, but kids... Think Khushi... Think... Yeah, I should ask for his help. He only can help me...


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