Visualizing future😍

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Whimpering, I woke up from my slumber feeling thirsty, but as soon as I opened my eyes, it meets with the figure who is watching me tenderly with an amused smile, propping his head on his elbow

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Whimpering, I woke up from my slumber feeling thirsty, but as soon as I opened my eyes, it meets with the figure who is watching me tenderly with an amused smile, propping his head on his elbow. My breath hitched when his face lights up with a boyish grin.


I just kept staring at him wondering, how drastic my life changed within these two-and-a-half months with this man, who changed my life so much. I never assumed the girl who never had a perception in the marriage is now dreaming enthusiastically about it and imagining the entire life ahead with him that can't even think of life without him. Before him, I was happy in my life, and I had everything from a loving family to caring friends, but after him, it filled with so much warmth and content. It still surprises me how comfortable I feel being with him, how his touches make me feel alive, how protected I sense being in his embrace, and how I enjoy every moment with him even though it's just a short period that we met.

"What are you thinking about making you smile broadly?" He inquired amusedly, raising an eyebrow.

"I was...wait!!! You!!! you're really here." My eyes went like saucers, and I poked on his chest to confirm I'm not dreaming. A chuckle escaped from his mouth, getting me back to reality, and that's when I realized he is lying in bed only with a vest on his upper body. His well-built muscles are showing off, causing me to feel all giddy.

"Atharvaa, what are you doing in my room??? How many times I said not to climb into my bedroom, and what are you wearing??" I voiced sternly, turning another side, closing my eyes.

"Instead of ogling me grinning widely if you would have observed your surroundings, you would have known that you're not in your room but my house, that too in my bedroom." He said smugly. My jaw dropped with the recent information, and I pepped through my half eyes to recognize indeed I was in an unfamiliar room, which has a homey look with brown and cream pastel colors. I screeched when Atharvaa tugged my arm, causing me to fall into his arms.

"Atharvaa, what are you doing???" I started wriggling out from his arms, but it made him grip harder.

"What happened to Atthu ha?? Last time you were chanting Atthu, don't you remember??" He whispered huskily, nuzzling my chin. I stilled, remembering past night events.. going to the party, Duffer speech, feeling dizzy, calling him Atthu, kissing him in the car, and asking him...

no, no, no... I didn't do this, did I?? Oh my god!!! What all I did!!

"Say Kittu, say that you remember it all." There was hope in his eyes, searching for my answer, but I nodded as no, as I can't face the questions now.

His face fell but, soon, a smirk formed on his lips before I can understand what's going on in his mind, he was on my top, and I shivered when our lips brushed slightly.

"Then let me remind you what all you did last night." I gripped his shoulders when his lips tugged my earlobe and kissing below it. A moan escaped from my mouth when his lips trailed wet kisses from my neck to collarbone. We were close before, but this time he is using his teeth more than his lips. I hissed when he bit on my collarbone, then sucked it, and I cursed myself for choosing the off-shoulder dress for the party.

"I, too, love this mole, like you do my mole below my earlobe." He stated, caressing the mole which is on my left collarbone that he bit just now. My face turned red, rewinding what all I blurted out.

"Will you go on a date with me so I can acknowledge something you're.. no we are waiting for a long time??" Joining our foreheads, he asked, panting. He bloody knows that I remember everything as I'm bad at lying with him, and he can read me so smoothly.

I nodded silently, turning away, feeling shy, but a portrait caught my attention. Raising from the bed, I reached the wall where all our family pictures are hanging. There are many pictures, our engagement, his family, even my family, and my candid images.

"Where did you get this??" I asked him with bewilderment because I never shared this image with anyone, he is now back hugging me, resting his chin on my shoulder. It's an old picture which I took two years back when I used to have short hair.

 It's an old picture which I took two years back when I used to have short hair

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"I have my ways." I groaned, knowing the person who had shared these pictures.

"I will kill that Duffer one day!!!," and he snickered listening to it.

"You know, I imagined the day so many times about the day where you and I wake up in each other embrace, having breakfast with our family, then we both go to our work, and I would drop you at the hospital but not before stealing kisses from you." I hummed, leaning on his shoulder.

"After a long working day, I will pick you up, and we would share our day like every time till we reach our home." He added, tightening the hold.

"Then we will enjoy our evening time and dinner with our family listening and witnessing your and Nikki's banter." I continued, leading him to chortle.

"Hmm, and after dinner, we will be sleep cuddling and not to forget I'd make love to you till late at night." He whispered huskily, causing to raise goosebumps, over my body.

"Atharvaa..." I screamed, feeling bashful.

"Okay, did you like our bedroom??" he inquired, changing the subject.

"Our bedroom??" I questioned with an appalled expression.

"Hmm, our bedroom. I brought this house after our engagement so that we can have our privacy." He replied, nuzzling my neck.

"What will your parents think, Atharvaa, if they get to know this??" Facing him, frowning, I yelped on him.

Oh no, what if they think that I am controlling their son if before the marriage!!!

"Hey, relax. My parents know about the house, and even my mom helped me with some interiors." He answered, holding my shoulders.

"But I love being with our family, not separately," I said truthfully, hugging him.

"I know you love joint family and who said we are going to live separately?? I bought this so we can be here on our weekends or in our leisure time." We remained silent, being in an embrace with each other grasping the warmness.

"Kittu, I love being with you here for some more time, but today we have Ganesh puja in your home, and Anand notified me to drop you at six in the morning or else your mom will kill him, so we should leave."

My eyes widened, and I got tensed immediately.

"I'm dead!!! Atharvaa, you're retaining me now. Mom will murder me if I get late today." I dragged him, frightening thinking what all methods Mom will use to screw me if I reach late.

"Chill Kittu, it's just five-thirty, and I will drop you before six, promise but let me wear my shirt." He said, holding his laugh at my madness.

I got embarrassed about realizing that I dragged him in his vest. Soon he came out wearing a shirt, and we reached home within thirty minutes. I bid him bye, kissing on his chin, and as I reached the entrance, I got shocked by seeing the person standing at the door.

"Care to explain about the mark on your neck???....


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