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I can see that my beautiful girl isn't happy with me

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I can see that my beautiful girl isn't happy with me. Her red face resembled like an angry bird who was ready to slingshot me at any time, that too with high speed, but little did she know how hardly controlling myself from the time she looked at me with those innocent yet suggestive eyes and dripping wet clothes that were showing her highlights more prominently. She stormed out of the pool furiously, shooting a glare at me, and I followed her quietly because I know one more poke: she would burst like a volcano, though she looked super cute with that flaring nose. Placing clothes for her on the bed and getting some for myself, I walked out, giving her some space.

Walking into another room, I took a much-needed cold shower and changed into simple vest and trousers as we're going to stay inside. Deciding to cook something as it was already lunchtime, and also to cool my angered dragon, because you know how much my girl likes... loves the food, I made my way to the kitchen.

Settling down with simple pasta and some sandwiches, which only I can cook, I began my task by chopping some vegetables, but halted by someone's throat clear and dang... my heart also knife from my hand dropped seeing her in my shirt that is reaching her mid-thigh and shorts almost hid under the shirt. She is looking incredibly sexy in my shirt, but the way it is proving that she only belongs to me, clouding my mind and fluttering my nerves. With another throat clearing, I came out of my state and saw her pulling the shirt down shyly, reading my intense gaze.

"I don't know you can cook." Khushi said, looking at the kitchen, avoiding my gaze, and I don't know, is it because of my shirt she is wearing or because of having me shirtless around, either way, her cheeks flushed red, making her seem like a temptress.

"I...I..." Why the fuck I'm stuttering. God damn, hold your emotions, Atharvaa, think about any other thing cute she is looking even when she bunned up her hair above. What, no... my thoughts got interrupted by hearing Khushi giggles and receiving my glare, she immediately covered her mouth.

"You didn't yet see all my talents." I muttered, shaking my head and concentrating on cooking before getting distracted again.

"Should I help you with anything???" She asked curiously, gazing at my cooking skills, which were not even nearby to hers.

"No, just be here with me." I replied, giving Khushi a small smile, draining the water from boiled pasta. Shrugging her shoulder, she sank on the kitchen counter with a Nutella jar, happily swinging her legs, but when did she get that.

Nevertheless, I focused on adding sizzling and vegetables to the pan, also grilling the sandwiches, hardly dodging her dangling milky, smooth bare legs, but groaned, listening to her moan while licking the spoon of Nutella.

"So good." She purred, taking a long lick of that damn Nutella, waking my inner beast, and turning towards her. I shoot a pointed look.

"What??? Do you want some???" Pointing at the jar, she asked innocently but gasped as I pulled her face to me, grabbing her neck, settling between her legs.

"Don't test my patience if you don't want to face the other side of me." I whispered huskily, removing the chocolate from the corner of her lips by my thumb and lapping that. Her eyes following every movement of my action.

"It's you who started this." Khushi retorted, whispering back boldly, breathing unevenly, wrapping her legs around my hips tugging me closer.

"Then, I guess I should finish it." I rejoined, running my fingers on her bare thighs, gaining heavy breathings from her. Taking the jar from her hold, I slowly spread the chocolate on her neck, causing her to squirm, she arched her neck, giving me more access, and my chocolate-coated thumb gently made its way to her shoulder and then to her collarbone. Her eyes grew hooded, matching mine, provoking me more, and I listened to it like a gentleman lapping, nipping all the sweet flavor, but It's her's more the chocolate one.

Her moans, making me insane, so not waiting an additional second, I removed the first three buttons of my shirt, which she is wearing, and spread more chocolate on the swells of her cleavage, intensely looking into her. She was looking like a damn enchantress with messy hair, desired-filled eyes, quivering lips, and flushed cheeks.

"Mmmm Atharvaa..." Her calls increased as I sucked on her cleavage fiercely with a groan. She dragged me harshly, tugging on my hair, and kissed me, moving her lips against mine rhythmically. Our tounges delving into each other, tasting all the sweetness thoroughly. My hand gently crept back off her neck and gripped it, deepening the kiss while her hands are roaming on my bare shoulders. We backed out, gasping hard, but her fingers crawled under my vest, wandering my abs, causing me to whimper.

 We backed out, gasping hard, but her fingers crawled under my vest, wandering my abs, causing me to whimper

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"I'm losing control, baby." I murmured, and she slowly opened her eyes, biting her lips, torturing my virility more. Leaning my forehead on her, I took deep breaths to calm myself, closing my eyes, but she tapped on my shoulder.



"Please, don't take my name for a period." I said, clenching my jaw and gritting my teeth.

"Something is burning." Khushi mumbled, and I sighed, taking a deep breath.

"It's me burning with desire." I stated, and Khushi swatted my shoulder, forcing me to look at her.

"I'm serious." She called out, embarrassed.

"Even I'm serio..." That's when I remembered about the pasta and sandwiches that I kept for cooking.

"Oh shit... shit... shit, my pasta..." I shouted, switching off the stoves, and looked at her with a glare, though we both burst into laughter maniacally, looking at each other.

"You should go from here before we burn our entire house." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, and she ran outside, holding her head low, and I chuckled, shaking my head. In the next thirty minutes, I prepared the lunch and made slight adjustments in the living area for the small movie date. When I went to our bedroom, Khushi was busily looking at pictures hanging on the wall. I never removed that pictures because it holds our beautiful memories.

"We were looking made for each other, right???" I questioned, taking her in an embrace from back when she got immersed in caressing our engagement photo lovingly, and she hummed, leaning back slightly.

"Then why we're not together, babe???" I whispered. I can hear the pain in my own voice, and she went quiet in my embrace. When I turned her around, her eyes got moistened with tears.

"If I say It's because of my selfishness, will you forgive me???" She asked with a low voice sniffling in between, making my heart clench.

"It's not because of you, Atharvaa, it's because of me our engagement called off." She said, looking at me pleadingly, silently asking me to understand her. My body went rigid, and my brain stopped working, hearing to her.

Okay bye🙈🙈🙈

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