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Will a sheep enter the lion den knowing it will get eaten??? yet, here I'm entering it confidently, despite knowing its danger

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Will a sheep enter the lion den knowing it will get eaten??? yet, here I'm entering it confidently, despite knowing its danger. But, hey, I'm not a sheep, okay!!!

"Move." I glared at the six feet two inches, well-built, scary person boldly even after seeing that I may look like a tiny Lilliput to him, and raising his brow with a dirty smirk, he pushed me inside slightly, making me stumble. Passing him another glare and covering up my inner trembling, I slowly headed into the old, ready-to ambush warehouse, ignoring the creepy stares of the goons who have surrounded everywhere at this place.

My hand is turning sweaty with every step I'm taking, but I have to do this... for kids, for my family, for him... I have to end this... It's now or never... I can't make them suffer because of me anymore.




After that confrontation with Lakshmi Aunty, I drifted out of the hospital feeling drained, both physically and emotionally and decided to call Duffer to know about the situation there, which I forgot for a second in this chaos. But when I noticed several missed calls from Bhai and every family member, I concluded to call Bhai first, realizing how much they could have worried after my sudden outburst. Though, all my blood run cold watching the video which I received at the same time. My eyes damped, watching the kids pleading to leave them while his men dragged them into a room, and even some went unconscious as they're still in there in recovery stage also of fear. Then it had followed by an incoming call from an unknown number and, with a shivering hand, I lifted the call, grasping who it was.

"Didn't see this one coming???" His crisp voice, with a hidden threat involved in it, echoed in the phone the second I received the call.

"What I have to do now???" I asked him calmly, knowing that I'm not in a position to say no to him or his demands, and a burst of evil laughter erupted from the other side as an answer.

"Smart, huh??? Then you should also know what I want till now." He stated in a low voice, gritting his teeth, slowly losing his control.

"I want all the evidence, every single piece of proof you have." He continued, taking my silence as my response, and I stood patiently waiting for his orders.

"You just have to follow every instruction of my men and come to my place with all proofs. Don't think to use your sharp brain by informing this to any of your family members or police, little birdie, because my men were already observing you from far, eagerly waiting for my command. I'm sure you won't because you very well know about the consequences." He said, and I slowly shifted my gaze to surrounding to watch his men all over following me.

"You better come fast, because I hate both kids and their cries." There is so much venom in his voice with a hint of irritation, causing me to break out in a cold sweat.

"Please don't do anything to kids. I'm coming. All your proofs are with me right now, in my handbag, so, please..." All my pleads went unheard as he cut off the call, and fear consumed me in such a way that I didn't realize that one of his men approached me.

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