Lu Qi immediately called Vice General Luo over and asked him to arrange this thing.

After he finished his instructions, Lu Qi asked Xu Ran about their intentions.

Xu Ran found a seat to sit down and let Tangtang sit down as well. Then he answered Lu Qi, "Here is the thing. I hope you can send some people to guard over the grass. First, they can help find Guoguo, second, you should be wary of barbarians sneaking in. Third, you can also find out the situation of the enemy."

Lu Qi nodded. "I know all this. Do you have anything else to say?"

Xu Ran said, "The third step is to get ready for the war. The barbarians infiltrated the Yanzhou not long after King Yan left, indicating that they intend to take over when King Yan is not around. All of them should be on their way to invade Yanzhou soon."

Lu Qi said, "I know all these things too and I'm also dealing with it."

Xu Ran nodded and said. "I have nothing to say because you are already aware of it. Remember to ask someone to contact me if the conflict begins. Even though I can't fight, I can still think and offer advice. Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes. We can make a difference if we work together."

Lu Qi went behind him and patted him on the shoulder. "Of course, I won't forget. It is a severe situation this time. Yanzhou really can only rely on you and I."

Lu Qi sighed. Apart from going to find Liu Tong, it was the first time he had taken on such a heavy responsibility.

Xu Ran didn't give it much thought. Things had not yet occurred. Everything is merely a precaution. He didn't worry much about anything else but Guoguo.

Tangtang was left in the camp by Xu Ran, who asked him to train with the soldiers. Tangtang had some thoughts in his heart, largely guilt, he knew. 

The barbarian must have wanted to go to the battlefield when he came over. Xu Ran didn't want to stop him as long as he returned safely. Tangtang was deeply affected by Xu Ran's conduct. Dad understood what he was thinking even though he didn't say anything. Tangtang remained at the camp as a result of Xu Ran's words.

After leaving the military camp, Xu Ran didn't go home directly. Instead, he went to the mansion to pick up someone.

The mansion was currently occupied by Xiao Qingyun and his two children, as well as Du Xin. To assure their protection, Xu Ran intended to take them to his own home. 

Xiao Qingyun didn't disagree since, even if he didn't do it for himself, he would do it for his two children and the King Yan palace. 

Only Du Xin disagreed, and he had a very excellent reason for doing so: someone needed to stay here to make the decision. Du Xin's statements seemed logical.

It would absolutely not work if there was no master in such a vast estate, but even if Du Xin was left alone in the mansion, Xu Ran was concerned. It might be disastrous if he is unable to execute under pressure.

After thinking about it, Xu Ran decided to stay in the mansion himself until the thing was over.

With Gao Quan at home, plus King Yan's secret guards, it should be OK.

Xu Ran told them his thoughts and no one else objected. In this situation, as a man, he naturally had to take on more responsibilities.

Liu Tong repeatedly said one thing, that is to be safe.

Xu Ran knew that Liu Tong was frightened. He naturally agreed to this request, and no one would want to get hurt.

So Xu Ran stayed in King Yan's residence.

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