Loose Ends That End Badly

Start from the beginning

"Darling..." I trailed off giving him a look. "Was it a nightmare again?" I asked softly causing him to look away from my concerned eyes. I didn't get nightmares like he did since my dreams were mere memories, good or bad, so it was a bit difficult to relate to him. I waited for a moment to give him a chance to answer but it never came. "Peter...

"How...how do I know you're real?" I was taken aback it not much, already knowing this was coming.

"Well technically I'm not 'real real' even when I'm real," I mused and he gave me a puzzled look. "Synthezoid, remember?" I pointed out, gesturing to myself. "But no, I'm not real. I'm actually a hologram," I answered flatly.

"Hailey..." Peter groaned at my lack of sensitivity as he put his face in his hands, rubbing his face to keep him awake.

"See?" I exclaimed, pointing at him like a 'gotcha' moment. "You know it's me now because no illusion would admit it's an illusion!" I smirked making him look up at me and pause.

"That's...true," Peter agreed hesitantly.

"Of course it's true, I'm always right," I answered simply giving him an empathetic look. "Go back to sleep," I urged softly but he only gave me a reluctant look in return. "Please?"

He gently grabbed my hand and kissed it comfortingly before finally giving in and laying down next to me. I placed my head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around my waist, settling into our usual position at night.  (kinky~) But when I looked up at him I still saw worry painted on his face

"Hey," I called out at him making him look at me. "It'll be alright, okay? I'll be right here," I promised, though not having a clue if that were true or not but it seemed to ease him just enough for him to relax. I flicked my wrist, turning off the lamp for the night and finally relaxing. " I love you," I whispered into the darkness as I nestled my head deeper into his chest.

"I love you too," Peter whispered back, pressing a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you too, too," I smiled into his chest before closing my eyes.

Would you like to activate sleep mode?
Yes No

Sleep mode activated...

My father is a moron.

Not an unfamiliar thought in my head admittedly since it had crossed my mind exactly 347, 376 times since I met the man but still a thought that should never be forgotten or unspoken for. Nor was it an unnecessary thought, I know this because for one, I do not think of unnecessary things for they are unnecessary and a waste of my time, and two, because he had just gotten me kidnapped by building a genocidal big brother for me called Ultron which had gotten me hijacked and kidnapped all at once.

He wanted, needed, a new body for himself and had asked, demanded, me to build him a new one. Of course I unluckily just found out about The Cradle, a device that can build any synthetic organ and body part for any human and knew it could build an entirely new body if necessary. He controlled me at that point, hijacking my mainframe and controlling my every move so I was forced to show him the device. Or so he thought.

I was more than him, I had more passion, more emotion than he ever could have which made me dangerous. That is why he kept me with him rather than just using my body as his own. My emotions made me powerful and much more useful to him but they also made me so much harder to control. I snapped out of my trance he put me under and subconsciously placed Jarvis's program into the body without him knowing. I was close to finishing him but then the rest of my fucked up family just had to ruin it.

Veins and Wires // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now