chapter 10

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This chapter contains mature themes. If anyone is triggered by attempted rape, please skip Kiara's POV at the beginning.

mikey pov
i walk downstairs after hearing the front door close. i walk into the kitchen.

"hey mike. you ok?" samila asks.

"i'm fine, mila." i reply.

"now i know you're not ok. you called me mila. come on. let's talk." she grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. mom and dad join us. "mom, dad. can you give us some privacy?" samila asks.

"no. this is a family matter now." mom replies.

"ok." samila turns her attention back to me. "where is she going?" samila asks.

"aliana needed to get home." i reply.

"what happened up there?" mom asks.

"a lot."

"like what?"

"we talked, then she got a text from cameron." i say.

"so she's going to cameron?" samila asks.

"yea." i answer.

"fucking hell." samila groans. she places her hand on her head frustratedly.

"did anything happen while you were talking?" dad asks.

"i kissed her." i say.

"why?" dad asks again.

"because i wanted her to know i really do like her and i'm serious about her." i say.

"then why are you still here?" samila asks.

"what?" i ask confused.

"why are you still here?" samila asks again.

i look up at my mom. she looks back and fourth between us.

"because i let her go."


"it's not like she's gonna change her mind." i shrug.

"this is your problem mikey. you always let people walk out on you because you don't go after them. that's why emma left. you let her leave! you're the reason she left you and you're the reason kiara left! god, why can't you just fight for what you want?" she stands frustratedly.


"you need to go after her mikey. if you really want to be with her then you need to show her. stop moping around that she left and do something!" samila yells. she looks at me angrily then walks toward the stairs.

my mom stands up. "she's right mikey. you do need to fight for her if you want her. you can't keep letting people walk away from you." she says. "i don't want to see you hurt by this because you didn't go after her."

mom follows her upstairs.

i slouch on the couch.

Saying GoodbyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora