chapter 9

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kiara pov (two days later, December 7, 2022)
i walk up to mikey's front door with aliana behind me. i knock softly and take a step back waiting for someone to open the door. i stand in silence as my thoughts swarm me. aliana taps my shoulder.

"you ok?" she asks.

"yea. just nervous." i reply.

the door swings open. samila stands on the other side with a small smile on her face.

"hey." she says.

i smile back slightly. "hey."

"hey." aliana says after me.

"before you guys come in, i need to talk to you." she says. she walks outside and closes the door.

"mikey is a little upset with you and so is maliki. although he's not here, his feelings affect my dads. that means my dad is also a little upset with you. my mom said she wants to stay neutral until she meets you. just be cautious when you walk in there." she explains.

"so the majority of your family is mad at me?" i ask.

"mikey calmed down a little yesterday from hanging with zeke for zeke's birthday. zeke talked some sense into him. but other than that, yea. except my dad and maliki aren't mad, they just don't agree that you need to figure out if you want this chameleon guy or mikey." she says.

"his name is cameron." i correct her with a smile.

"whatever the niggas name is," she smiles. "mikey basically hates him."

"alright. let's get this over with." aliana says from behind me.


samila opens the front door. she leads us into the kitchen which is to the right of the door. their mom stands in the kitchen over the stove.

"hey mom." samila says. "this is kiara and this is aliana." she points to us as she speaks.

"nice to meet you girls." she smiles.

"you too." we say in unison.

"just to be clear, you're kiara right?" she asks pointing to me.

"yea ma'am." i nod.

"that makes you aliana?"

"yea ma'am." aliana replies.

"well, you're both very beautiful." she compliments.

"thank you." i smile.

"thank you." aliana repeats.

"by the way, i'm simone williams. you girls can call me simone." she adds.

i smile and nod my head slightly.

"ok mom. we're gonna go upstairs." samila says.

"alrighty." she smiles. samila leads us upstairs. we go into her room. aliana and i sit comfortably on her bed while she plops in her desk chair.

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