43. "Please talk to me..."

ابدأ من البداية

“You could have called me…” I spoke to Zoya.

She raised her eyebrows mocking me. Right! I was the one who wasn't picking her calls. Fine!

I held her hand in mine and turned to the receptionist. I was completely aware of Zoya's surprised stare at me.

“She is my best friend, Dr. Zoya Raichand.” Receptionist nodded.

“She can come here anytime she wants to and can go to any department she wishes. Am I clear?” 

“Yes sir…” Receptionist replied, sincerely and went back to her work.

I didn't leave Zoya's hand and walked towards my cabin, taking her along with me.

She looked around my cabin, definitely finding it nice. I sat on my chair and kept the files away. She smiled at me and settled herself in one of the swivel chair in front of me.

“Now, tell me what will you eat?” I asked, keeping my interlocked fingers on the table.

She shook her head. Arey? She has come for the first time in my office. She will have to eat something.

“Noodles?” I suggested myself as she was being polite unnecessarily. She denied.

“Cold drink?” I asked. She again denied, shaking her head.

“I am ordering juice for you and me!” I didn't give her any chance to deny.

“Aditya…” She called me softly but I was already looking at her.

She kept her cheek on her already crossed arms over the table looking at me. I stopped myself from smiling somehow.

“Please to talk to me…” She spoke in a childish voice and I was able to see a five year old girl in her. 

This time I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

“Not here… In the office…” I replied softly.

“You will again ignore me…” She spoke softly and made a sad face like a little girl.

“I will try not to.” 

There was a knock on the door and she buried her face in her arms which were crossed on the table. She is so cute!

Our juice arrived and I instantly drank all of it while she didn't even touch hers.

“Zoya…” I called her and she raised her eyes to look at me. 

I knew I was gonna melt today. There was no other way.

Another knock on the door and then an employee informed me that the clients are already waiting in the conference room. I told him I was coming. I glanced at Zoya who understood it wasn't the best time to talk. 

“Try not to ignore me again.” That was the last thing I heard from her before she left.

“Adi… I am leaving..” Arjun informed me, peeking in my cabin.

I nodded. 

“You go. I still have few things to finalize related to the deal we signed today.”

“Fine. Come soon.” He nodded and left.

I relaxed in my chair, leaning back. Zoya came here today. She must have been waiting for me to call her. Should I call? I should right? But… Why didn't she call me? Fine… I will call her. 

I was going to dial her number when my mobile rang with Aarohi's call. Aarohi? I glanced at my wristwatch. It's quarter past five. 

“Hey Adi…” She greeted me cheerfully.

“Hi..” I greeted back in a somewhat confused tone.

“So.. you and Zoya fine now?” She asked.

“Amm… Why?” 

Didn't Zoya tell her?

“No… I just talked to Noor a few minutes ago. She told me that her uncle and aunt are finally looking for a suitable guy for Zoya.”


“And… Zoya don't know that yet. Noor also got to know accidentally. So, she was denied to tell anyone. But she told me secretly. Because she knows that I am aware of everything so-”

“What is the main point Aarohi?!” I asked irritated of her bickering.

“I just wanted to make sure that everything is fine between you two. Because uncle and aunty are seriously searching someone for Zoya. So are you…. Both fine?” 

“I will talk to you later Aarohi.” I disconnected the call.

So… I have to talk to her. That too soon.

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