Chapter 13.6--Steve

Start from the beginning

Natasha smiled. "Never been better. And thank you for everything you've done for us regarding our...situation."

Jemma nodded. "It's my pleasure. I'm glad things are going well." She gave Natasha another hug before heading to the bar.

"Have you told her about—" I started to say.

"Not here," Natasha said. "I don't want to deal with any of that tonight. This is supposed to be our night off, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible."

I kissed her cheek. "Then let's go fill up on fondue and bug the heck out of our friends."

Natasha smiled, looping her arm through mine. "You read my mind, Rogers."

We walked in the direction of the fondue fountains, piling our plates high with cheese, strawberries, and everything else.

"I've had some pretty great fondue in my day, but this is the best," Natasha commented, licking her fingers and grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing tray. She eyed another waiter walking around with crab cakes—something I had specifically requested after our mission in Budapest.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Tony asked, his voice booming through a microphone he had set up by the DJ at the front of the room.

Everyone quieted down.

"Now, may our guests of honor take a seat at the table of honor, up here by me?"

I took Natasha's hand, and we made our way to the front of the room where the rest of our friends were already gathered.

"Without further ado, we are going to start the speeches!" Tony announced.

"Did you know about this?" Natasha whispered to me.

I shook my head. "Nope. I guess this is one surprise Tony got past us."

Nat smiled, jutting her chin toward Emery and Bucky who were now taking Tony's place. "I'm thinking he had some help."

"Hi, everyone. I'm Bucky Barnes, Steve's best man. Now, I'm not sure how these sorts of parties normally work, but this one is extremely special because I have had the privilege of knowing both the bride and groom for quite a long time. Traditionally, we would save speeches for the wedding reception, but this couple before us is extraordinary, and they deserve even more celebration."

The room erupted into applause at that statement.

I glanced over at Natasha, and she squeezed my hand.

"I'm going to kick us off with a story about Natasha," Bucky said. "Natasha likes her men the way she likes her coffee: blonde and sweet. But to think there was a time when she liked them dark and bitter." This got quite a few laughs. "Natasha Romanoff, I have never met anyone stronger, more determined, or more badass than you. And seeing how happy you make Steve and vice versa makes this 106 year old vet quite nostalgic and proud. I love you both." He nodded to us and traded places with Emery as everyone clapped and cheered.

"Thank you, Bucky. Now, I'm going to tell a story about Steve." Emery cleared her throat. "Steve Rogers, I knew who you were even before Natasha told me your name. We had quite a few nicknames for you, if I remember correctly." She winked at Natasha. "My father collected Captain America trading cards when I was young, and for such a long time I wanted to meet you. And now, my best friend is marrying you. I think I can officially say: Steve Rogers, thank you for making my best friend so incredibly happy. You are a wonderful, incredible treasure."

Once again, we all clapped and cheered. Natasha squeezed my hand and kissed me.

"I love you so much, Steve," she said. "And I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

I smiled. "I love you so much, too. You are my greatest treasure."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"What's on your mind, Steve?" Natasha asked.

"You." I kissed her. "I'm always thinking about you."

Nat smiled. "You're cute when you sweet talk me, you know?"

"So I've been told." I pulled her onto the bed with me.

"Mm, how is it that you're always so warm?" Natasha mused.

I smiled. "Must be a super soldier thing."

"You know Emery still has feelings for Bucky?"

I nodded. "He told me. It's gotta be hard for her, you know? Watching him be with Mandy."

"Well, she's still dating Wanda. So it's not like she can act on her feelings. Anyway, we talked about this on the limo ride. She and Mandy are cool now. And she and Bucky are gonna try communicating instead of just interacting for the sole purpose of training."

I smirked. "That feels like deja vu."

Natasha laughed. "I'm not saying there won't be any tensions. She knows to keep it strictly platonic."

I pulled her closer. "Well, it's a good thing you and I got way beyond platonic. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to kiss you right now."

It was Natasha's turn to smirk. "If our relationship hadn't gotten beyond platonic, there are a lot of things we wouldn't be able to do." She pulled me down so our lips were only inches apart, slowly closing the gap between us.


A/N: I hope you liked my nod to Steve's "fear" of dancing! Vote/comment if you liked it!


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