Wolfstar ~ The book

Start from the beginning

What he didn't know was that Sirius Black was having a crisis. After he read that book, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't get the dumb storyline out of his head. He couldn't shake the feeling that the handwriting looked familiar. That the character descriptions such as being roommates and in a friend group of four felt so familiar.

One night, a month later, Sirius asked Marlene to meet him down in the common room. He told the other three Marauders where he was going, and left. It was late, and so most people were already asleep and no one would care to bother them. Of course everyone assumes Sirius and Marlene are hooking up, doing that friends-with-benefits type of thing, but in reality, they just like to talk.

A while ago, maybe five months ago, Sirius and Marlene met up for a small snogging session. Once, right when they met up, Marlene told Sirius she was lesbian and so she didn't want to keep meeting up just to snog each other anymore. Most people would probably be quite upset about that, but Sirius was strangely pleased. Almost relieved. He didn't know why at the time, but now he is slowly starting to understand.

"Alright, Black?" Marlene asked from the sofa in the dimly lit common room, the fireplace being the only light source.

"Yeah, you?" Sirius asked as he walked down the stairs and settled himself onto the sofa next to the blonde.

"I'm good," She smiled softly.

There was a long awkward silence that stretched between the two of them. Neither wanting to speak first but both having a question on their mind. The two Gryffindors stared into the fire before them as they waited for the other to start.

"You wanted to talk?" Marlene decided to take one for the team, turning to face the long haired boy to her left.

"Uh, yeah. I- I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask you this," Sirius started awkwardly.

Marlene just responded with a puzzled facial expression, tilting her head to the side slightly to show her confusion.

"I mean, I don't know if- ugh!" Sirius tried to explain but just gave up with a huff.

"Just ask, I won't mind. Promise." Marlene smiled kindly at him, but rolled her eyes playfully.

"Um, ok. Well, I was wondering... you see, I mean um," - Sirius stuttered before taking a breath - "How did you know you were lesbian, well I mean how did you know you didn't like the opposite gender?" Sirius finally managed to spit out nervously.

"Well, at first I just expected myself to like boys, but when I spent more time around my female friends and saw other girls around, I realised I was more interested in them than boys. When all the girls in our room would talk about which celebrity they had a crush on, I never liked the same one. I would always say I didn't have a celebrity crush but I admired some female musician or artist. Then, I started hanging out with Dorcas and, well, y'know," Marlene explained openly. Sirius was the first person she came out to, and he was the first person she told about her relationship with Dorcas which started three months ago.

"Why?" She then asked even though she already knew why Sirius asked her.

"Um, I've just been thinking about it in regards to myself." Sirius started with a shrug, feeling a little less nervous after that display of honesty from his friend.

"I always thought I was into girls. I think I was, or maybe it was just because it was conditioned into me basically since I was born. From when I started talking up until I was eleven, my whole upbringing was basically just learning how to present myself to women and then have children to carry on the Black family name. Always a pure blood woman. So I guess I just thought that was my only option. Until last year. I realised that all my mates were getting the hots for all these girls in our year or older ones, but I wasn't. I don't mean to be rude, but I sort of used you to see if I was actually into girls, even if I didn't realise I was doing that." Sirius sighed at the end.

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