I begin to gasp for air as strong hands grab me by my throat from behind. My feet swing around wildly as I flail in every direction I can. I finally manage to jerk my arm back, causing my elbow to smash into my dad's face. 

He throws me down onto the floor, and I yell, "Vados!" 

The rocks making up the walls surrounding us hurl themselves at my dad's head, giving me enough time to race out of the door.

"Lizzie!" I scream, as I burst out of the staircase. 

"We're here," Lizzie says, as she vamp-races back into the room, with an unconscious Josie in her arms. Blood covers her entire body, and she looks to me in absolute terror. 

"Hope, I can't control my powers-" 

"Later," I yell, as I grab her by the wrist and aim a kick at the large window in the room. It shatters open, and I begin to climb through it.

"Come on!" I say, as I pull Josie's body through. 

Lizzie has just begun to climb up, when all of a sudden, the door to the staircase is ripped off its hinges. My dad, whose face is covered in his own blood, heads straight for us- Lizzie screams in pain when I roughly grab her wrists and yank her through the window, causing the shards of glass to cut into her waist.

"Go!" I shout, as I throw Josie into Lizzie's arms. "Back to the hilltop where we came from! Move it!"

She vamp races away, and I begin to run with all my might. I already know that the odds aren't in my favor- a wolf can't outrun a vampire! 

But I run nonetheless, and change into my full wolf form as I do so. 

I leap through the snowy paths, my four feet stampeding across the empty streets with so much speed that I'm barely aware of the scenery changing around me. The full moon that has risen up in the air powers me, allowing me to move with immense speed and agility. 

I actually begin to have hope that I may be able to escape my dad- after all, unlike wolves, a vampire's speed doesn't work across long distances.

Wait- A vampire's speed doesn't work across long distances. 

Especially if that vampire is lugging her unconscious sister's body along as well.


I stop in my tracks and turn around. I've reached the edge of town, and yet... Lizzie's footsteps are nowhere to be seen. 

She's still back there.

How could I have been so stupid? Lizzie may have vampires for friends, but that doesn't mean she knows how to fully wield the powers that come along with being one! I just asked her to use her newfound abilities to race across the length of an entire town... Oh god. Where the hell is she?

My heightened senses pick up on the sound of screaming. Without so much as a second thought, I race towards where the shouts are coming from.

"No! Don't kill her, please, just leave her alone," Lizzie screams. 

I stick to the shadows, making sure not to make much noise. In the middle of the open square, my dad is holding the still unconscious Josie with one hand wrapped around her throat and the other gripping her head. 

The perfect position to snap her neck in two. 

But unlike me or Lizzie, Josie doesn't have vampire blood running through her veins... If my dad kills her, she will die. For good.

"Bring your wolf friend here, and perhaps I'll allow your sister to live another day," my dad says, heaving in and out from the effort of having tried to chase me. 

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