Chapter 30

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Darryl's POV


"Sorry!" I apologized to my brother who got startled. He was sitting on the couch watching a movie when I accidentally crashed into the wall with my groceries.

"What's with all the groceries?" He asked.

"Oh, um... I was going to have a picnic." I mumbled.

"Ohhhh, with who?"

"A friend of mine." I knew that response wasn't good and it was sketchy but I didn't know how else to reply.

"A 'friend' you say?" He was teasing me and I would usually be fine with it but because this situation was different, I began to worry.


"Is she perhaps a special friend?"


I began to panic now, I never really thought about opening up to my family. I would have to soon if I was confessing to Skeppy, especially if things got even... further... than that.

My mind slowed but I forced myself back into reality.

"I... I don't know." I walked past him and started putting the food away. I heard him get up then he walked up to me.

"Hey Darryl, if you're worried about something, you know you can open up to me, right?" He put an arm on my shoulder and his stare burned into me until I made eye contact.

"Yeah, I know." I tried keeping it short but he was catching onto me.

"So... Is anything bothering you? Are you nervous? Do you need advice?.."

"No. I am fine." He looked slightly hurt so I fixed my tone and smiled.

"But thanks anyway. It's just a picnic with a friend."

"Okay... Well, have fun." He said. I could tell he was trying to sound cheerful but he was a little sad. I felt bad but maybe one day I would be able to tell him.

It was already 4:19 so I started getting the basket and myself ready.

I went up to my room and changed. I didn't choose something fancy because I didn't want it to come off as a date even though it was, but I also didn't want to just wear a hoodie and some shorts.

Does Skeppy even know this is a date? I just said, "Oh hey! Hang out tomorrow at 5:30. Be ready." but I never mentioned it as a date...


I searched through my drawer. I found a simple yet neat black buttoned-up shirt. It didn't have buttons all the way down, just two at the top so it was pretty neutral. I grabbed it then grabbed some jeans. I changed into it then looked in the mirror, but something was still off. I looked through my closet and found a light jacket. I put it on and liked it, even though it kinda ruined the main feel, it still looked good. I took it off and tied it around my waist, it looked good that way, too.

I grabbed a big blanket that I never use from my closet and brought it with me to the bathroom.

I brushed my hair, I didn't do anything special with it except ruffle it the way I liked. I then brushed my teeth.

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