a) Chapter 14

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I spun the can and it gradually started to slow down. It then pointed at the person who I was going in with... It was Sapnap.

We both got up and headed to the closet, I shut the door and sat down in the dark and enclosed space. A little light came from the bottom of the door but that didn't help much.


"Yeah?" He seemed nervous by the sounds of it.

"I... Can I tell you something?"


"When me and Karl went to the closet..."


"I kissed him."

"You kissed him?!"

"Yes!" He shouted with distress.

"...He sorta kissed me back but I'm not sure if I ruined it for us."

"Yeah, but he kissed you back, so even if it was a little, he kissed you."

"What if he only did that because he didn't know what else to do?"

I had nothing to say.

"And I kissed him out there... what if I ruined it all?"

"You didn't ruin anything, I'd talk to him in your free time."

"I don't know-"

"TIMES UP!" A muffled shout was heard from the living room.

"It'll be okay, I've never seen you be so close to someone in the way you are with Karl."

"And that's what I'm afraid of losing..."

We both walked out of the closet and Sapnap sat where he originally did, but I sat on the couch. I heard a small whimper from Skeppy as he got up and sat next to me. We were the only ones on the couch since everyone was still in a circle.

"Are you not playing anymore?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired but I'll stay!"

"Okay. Who's going next?"

Chatter started up again, I looked over at Skeppy who was half asleep. He then woke up with a jerk then repositioned himself... ON MY LAP! He sprawled out on the couch and laid his head on my lap. I was slightly stiff and uncomfortable because I didn't know what to do. He signed and his body relaxed, I was trying to relax too and it was working but very slowly.

He looked stressed... It made me sad that he had an off night. He's been acting strange and seems drowsy.

I felt bad.

I then slowly reached out my arm and started tracing his eyebrows. I was brushing my finger from the start of his eyebrow to the end, then pick up my finger and do it again. I would switch between which eyebrows.

It was something that calmed me down when I was stressed.

His body began to relax again and it made me feel better. My friends stopped playing the game and were just talking and having a good time. I was getting tired and I bet everyone else was, too, but I wanted to leave.

Zak was sleeping on my lap though and he was too "drunk" to be seen by his parents. I also didn't know where I was staying tonight. Although I felt bad, I shook Skeppy awake. He squirmed a little but then his eyelids opened a little. He looked around a little and opened his eyes even more. Then fear replaced his facial expression and he shot up. The sudden movement caught some of my friends' side view and was now looking at Zak.

"Where am I?" He said, confused but not scared.

"It's okay, you're at the party and I was going to take you home."

He didn't respond but he relaxed, and by that, he almost fell asleep again. I scooted next to him.

"Zak, you need to ask your parents if I can stay another night." He only hummed.

I texted my dad which was rare for him to respond at 10:53 at night. He allowed me to go so I was waiting for approval from Zak's parents.

"She's not happy about sudden news but she allows it if your dad does." He said with a very deep and scratchy voice. He was still very out of it.

"My dad does, so let's get ready."

We started grabbing our stuff and getting ready. We said our goodbyes to our friends and then we left. I drove Zak and I to his house and I had to wake him up again so he could get out of the car. When we got inside his room, everything was left where it was, the bed on the floor and the messed up bed I so rudely didn't care to make. Some snack wrappers and his PC still on but not running any games. I shut off the PC and turned to see Zak crawling into the bed on the floor. I went over and thought I should try and pick him up and put him in the other bed.

He wasn't too heavy but I was in an awkward position and when I picked him up, I heard his breath hitch. I placed him on the bed and carefully pulled a blanket over him. He was looking at me with droopy eyelids and his long eyelashes. He looked so peaceful... and beautiful. I laid down in my bed and It was pretty uncomfortable. My eyes wandered around until they couldn't anymore, then I fell asleep.

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